My first bucket attempt. DP 95 w/ spraypaint


Active Hunter
Updated pics. Scroll down.

I could really use some feedback as far as technique etc. This is my first time painting a bucket. I used spray cans and some testors model paint. I'm nowhere near finished but I thought this would be a good point to stop and ask for feedback. I do realise there is a "smear" of paint on the right side of the forehead. I'm working on getting rid of this right now.
Let me know. If it sucks, tell me.

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Ok, fixed that ugly smear. added some more details. Need to work on a more accurate paint job on the mandibles tomorow.
Wow, this photographed like garbage. I'll try to take a better picture with natural light tomorow..assuming it's going to be sunny.

Its looking good but unfortunately I can see the difference in greens where the smudge used to be. I'm not sure if you could hide that with some more weathering or not.

Also, you need more gray in those mandible scratches. Otherwise its looking great!
webchief said:
Its looking good but unfortunately I can see the difference in greens where the smudge used to be. I'm not sure if you could hide that with some more weathering or not.

Also, you need more gray in those mandible scratches. Otherwise its looking great!

I'm gonna try some more misting to even out the colors on top. I'm also going to be working on the mandibles today.

Thanks for the input guys!
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