My Finished DP 95


Active Hunter
I started this on or around June 17th. The helmet is a Don Post 95 that I got from Zeever. I know it's not "screen accurate" but I like the way it turned out. In the following pics, the glue is still drying so the visor may look a bit snarky.

The RF lights work and I have one fan installed, along with a small amount of padding.







I have to thank Cal, TK-Fett, Zeever, MS and a few others for the inspiration and the advice. Of course, I need to send a HUGE thank you to Obi, The Dent and the Dented Helmet for giving us a place to discuss, compare and help each other.



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Good job on that matey. I'm not going for screen accuracy on my costume either but as long as it looks good I'll be more than happy.
I love the weathering on the red section and the speckled misting (if that's the right term).
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