My ESB helmet progress

Yeah, I can't tell the difference between the real screen used bucket pics & yours. Think thats about the highest compliment I can give ya;)
Here it is, finally finished! These are actually from a few days ago, since then I've been working on the electronics and I just installed a visor today. I'll have some more photos and video hopefully this week, then I get to wear it out for the first time this weekend in Ohio :)
Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' 'bout baby!!!!!!:cheers

ESB is the frickin' best lookin' helmet and yours proves it one more time JFJ!!

Excellent you can enjoy the rest of your summer8) Take a rest, you deserve it.

Steve (y)
SEEKER said:
Right up there with the rest of the masters.


I agree...:eek:

Goes to show....from start to finish....taking your time pays off....GREAT WORK!!
one of the Best Bro.:cheers

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That is as near to screen perfect as can be achieved in my opinion. Seriously mate you have reached the pinnacle in the bid to reach the perfect bucket.

I take my bucket off to you (bow) ;) :cheers :cheers :cheers
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