My completed FP cod


Sr Hunter
Hi all,
Well, it's the weekend again, which means I have time to paint! :) So I took the opportunity to finish up my FP vac-formed cod piece.
I don't have any step-by-step photos of this piece. But my painting technique is the same as always: topical.

I used some Polly S US Med Green for the base coat, after testing a different color from the Testors MM line that was supposed to be the same. No dice. :thumbsdown:
After the base coat, I drew on the damage, sizing my reference photos so they would be the same size as the actual piece. Once I was happy with the damage placement, I painted the silver first. I use Tamiya Chrome Silver for my "bare metal" damage. It goes on smooth, and it dries really fast!
Once the silver was done, I used Testors Yellow Zinc Chromate for the exposed yellowish areas. All damage was applied with a fine detail brush.
To get a more uneven, blended finish, I misted on some plain flat black. In the close-up pic of the dent, you can see the speckles. Everything was then sealed with Testors Dullcote.
So now I'm one step closer to finishing my costume! Woo-hoo!! :D
Enjoy the pics.




Wish I had the motivation you do.. (and the skill :p )

Great job.. So when will we be updating the "My suit so far" thread ? I really can't wait to see what your suit is going to look like once it's finished..

Awesome job as always..
Thanks, all!
I appreciate the feedback.

Tension113 said:
So when will we be updating the "My suit so far" thread ? I really can't wait to see what your suit is going to look like once it's finished..

Funny you should ask. . . I told my wife last night that she was going to "have to" take some pics of me in my costume today. She smirked and her eyes rolled around and she agreed (I swear I heard her mumble something about "silly" or some such :lol: ).
So pics of my suit will be coming soon!

EDIT: New "whole suit" pics added under Propbuilding Methods and Materials!! :D
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