My armor so far...


Active Hunter
Not accurate by any means, but I think it looks pretty cool so far...

Still a ways to go yet with the other pieces; I'm waiting on a delivery of sheet styrene to finish the helmet and to scratchbuild my gauntlets, and should be getting BM's chest and shoulder decals soon...
Yeah that looks good so far. I agree about the center chest piece needing to be green. Also aren't the shoulder studs supposed to be a silver color, or maybe I am mistaken?
Yep, got both those covered...
The diamond had just got the caterpillar yellow coat over the liquid mask, so now I can remask it and give it the green coat. The shoulder studs are getting silver too; I'm gonna brush paint those since I didn't want to fiddle with masking off the studs when I sprayed the green on...
Here are my really finished shoulder bells, updated from my previous post in another thread... BM's decal definitely makes it...

And my left chest armor with TK409's chest display idea used; A bicycle flasher mounted (well, not mounted yet, just for the pics) behind the armor...

And in mid flash...

I realise the chest display in ROTJ didn't work, and the damage to the armor isn't screen accurate, but it was based on various pics off the net ranging from accurate Fett to fan made, so, Ehh, your average onlooker will just go "Ahh...." instead of "Dude, that scratch should go Here, not There, you dumbazz..."

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