MR to release and ESB bucket next year !!!

Real Scooby

Active Hunter
Everyone has seen the latest BLOG entry at the MASTER REPLICAS site ?

They announced their 2006 product plan and among other Fett items ( ROTJ rifle in LIMITED and UNLIMITED COLLECTORS EDITION, .33 scaled Blaster ), they also have the ESB bucket listed. I am already curios how this will compare, to the Mystery, BM´s, MS´s...
It looks like a really good product line up for '06!
As far as the Fett helmet goes, I think they would be reeeeeeeally hard pressed to put out a product that would rival the paint job that an individual "nut job" fan could do. :D And yes, I'm one of those "nut job" fans myself.
With a mass-produced replica, I just don't see the same level of detail being incorporated into the paint job.
While I'm sure it will be "nice"....I'll reserve judgement 'til I see the finished product.....ESB is a nightmare to re-create.:wacko

shortimer52 said:
5 bucks says they will get those buckets out before the clone buckets are out.

Or if they follow in the clone fiasco's footsteps we will not see these things until 2010!
Coming June/July.. I mean August/September... Uh..October/November?... DECEMBER!... NEXT YEAR?! FEB,MAR,APR,MAY When will the maddness end:lol:
Or if they follow in the clone fiasco's footsteps we will not see these things until 2010!
Coming June/July.. I mean August/September... Uh..October/November?... DECEMBER!... NEXT YEAR?! FEB,MAR,APR,MAY When will the maddness end:lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Aint that the truth
Tim Allen said:
I smell a Don Post like paint-job coming along w/ those.

It just can't look that bad:cry It's my worst fear for collectors' sake,but I'm just hoping they take it to a higher level accuracy wise than anything previous. It'll never come close to what we've acheieved due to time alone. Heck if they had any inside info. about it they would have Rogue Studios paint list on a white board already:lol: ....if they don't use these paints,they might as well hang it up as anything prior to the paint discovery was just a nice try....and I've seen what used to be "the best" which still don't hold a candle to what's shown off here these days.

Our very own Wizardofflight posts detailed drawings (which are awsome and much appreciated as usual) and all the sudden MR is comming out with a Fett helmet

Hmmm... methinks a conspiracy is in the works, W.o.F should seek compensation. ;)

joking ofcourse, but serriously at the rate MR gets their products out, I don't think SGB, MS, or BM have anything to worry about anytime soon, as far as a lack of work. I'm planning on doing a Fett this year "06, and I'd sooner give my cashola to one of these talented guys before I pay for an over priced MR item.. Just my .01 :love
Rogue Studios said:
The only thing that will be remotely ESB is the paintjob but that is all I can say about it right now.


hmmmmmmmm.....this is a very open ended statement;) So the shape(noESB flair) and,rangefinder are going to be "off" then:lol:

Rogue Studios said:
The only thing that will be remotely ESB is the paintjob but that is all I can say about it right now.


Please keep us posted.:)
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A mass produced helmet won't come close to the helmets that will be showcased on these forums in about a month when everyone gets those MS interiors installed.
I too highly doubt that the mass-produced paintjob will come even close to those that have and continue to be made by members here, not to mention their habit of idealizing the shape. I'm going to wait until I see some photos, but from what I've heard so far I'm not getting my hopes up.
Jango_Fett_Jr said:
I too highly doubt that the mass-produced paintjob will come even close to those that have and continue to be made by members here, not to mention their habit of idealizing the shape. I'm going to wait until I see some photos, but from what I've heard so far I'm not getting my hopes up.

Amen' JFJ..:thumbsup:
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