Moded FP armor


Active Hunter
I have always loved my FP armor & it is amoung my most cherished things that i own. but there were some things about it that i felt needed dome changes. after ALOT of time looking at every detailed photo of the ESB chest armor i desided to modify my armor. I have currently only moded 3 of the 4 chest armor peices the next peice just needs the edges to be sharpened but the three that are in the raw white fiberglass have all had alot of reshaping to them. especialy the left (its on the right in the pics but its the left when its worn) chest plate. i ended up filling in both dents with bondo & reshaped them. the smaller dent is now a deep (way smaller) goudge instead of a real dent. the other dent is alittle bigger & has a really rough & deepness to it. i know the pics look like crap but its the best i could do for now. im pretty satisfyed with the left peice now. in adition to the dents i redid the slots for the lights and sanded the inner sides to a sharper edge. after looking at the ESB photos for a wile i felt they were of a much sharper shape on the edges thatn the ROTJ. the abdomen plates dents have also been reworked but not all that much. they are alittle bigger than they were before. the real thing im proud of with this peice is the slight bend inwards on the top left angle. if ya look hard at some of the pics it has an inward bend to it. this along with the next peices edges were also sharpened. & the final peice i have modifyed was the dimond. its shape has been pretty much been reworked completly so it has a sharper/longer end to it & the oposite side has a more blunt end to it. . ill be painting this set again once ive finnished moding the last peice. ive also aded a picture of what my armor looked like before i made these changes. ignor the sholder bells they are pretty much trash. they got broken in half before DC last year & are to far gone to fix.

so tell me what you guys think of the changes ive made. ill prolly get coments like ''what!? are you insane!? why would you do this to armor thats so hard to get!?'' or somthing along those lines

you guys coming to the museum of science in boston will get to see this set close up. on the 10th





Funny that you post this because ive decided my FP armor need a revamping. I tryed doing what u did but didnt work out so good. So i resculped it in to exact measurment's in wax but changed a few of the dents a bit. Was going to post some pictures but its being bronzed this week so once the bronzing is done ill post it. Hoping to be able to use the bronze as the mold for vac-foruming so w'll see how it goes.
OK! i finnaly got all the finishing touches done to my Modefyed FP armor & its all done sept for the chest sticker. this was a total PITA to weather yet it was 100% worth every seccond in the end. The paint job is a combonation of Layered & topical. I used Mirical whip as a mask (thanks for the idea AFFO$) & it worked out great. so after hours apon hours of work I finnaly reveal to you with my 1000th post on TDH, My ESB Moded FP armor!!!!! :D :D
Plz tell me what you think guys. id love coments




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It's so so. I'll PM you my address so you can send it to me immediately!

Seriously though, you did an excellent job bro! All the hours of squinting to weather it really pays off. I did the same thing with my gauntlets. I had a heck of a time, but I was very happy with the outcome. Again, superb job brother!
VERY VERY NICE:thumbsup: Perhaps just one more coat of the yellow to further enhance the color. Other than that I think it looks fantabulistic!!!

Heres the color list of the colors i used.
silver- Testors Spray Enamel Matalic silver 1246
green- Model Master Dunkelgrun RLM 82 (enamel)
yellow- Model Master RAF Trainer Yellow (enamel) i liked the darker yellow. i dont like the brightness of the one on the Rougestudios list

first sprayed on the silver with 3 coats to cover up the sight of the bondo as much as i could. next airbrushed the green on top. after that i wet sanded the green to lighten up the color a tad with the finest sand paper i could get. i think it was 1500 grain i got it at autozone & it was the finest they had. then i put on the yellow & when that dryed i did another light wet sanding to blend it with the green layer. after that i hit it all with a dulcoat.
hope that answered any questions. :D
AHHH yes, good old dunklegrun rlm 82. Thats what I thought. Looks really good. I especially love your weathering job on the center diamond. Top notch;)
Great Job BobaFettSlave_1 !

And thank you for noting that your mods are clearly based on ESB. Keep in mind folks, that my armor was designed around ROTJ, and have been made "Universal". I didn't have the time, or the reference to make two sculpts 4 yrs ago when this all started :lol:

It should also be noted that my armor was also designed around a combination of AOSW, and MoM exhibit shots, basically what was clearest from different angles. The reason I bring this up is simply becuse between these two exhibits, the chest armor has subtle "Trimming" and "Warping" differences between the two sets. The left breast piece is especially different between the two exhibits at the upper left hand corner. Just thought I'd throw that out there in case anyone is confused about this thread, as it is the first time I've seen it an issue. ;) On a side note, I do have shots of my armor taken right up next to the real deal. One of our members was kind enough to take these comparison shots when he went to the exhibit in Australia, again, ROTJ ;)

Oh, and Tim Allen ... you wanna run that by me again bud? Sounds a wee
borderline for "Recasting"? I'm quite suprised that no one else picked up on it ...

Tim Allen said:
Funny that you post this because ive decided my FP armor need a revamping. I tryed doing what u did but didnt work out so good. So i resculped it in to exact measurment's in wax but changed a few of the dents a bit. Was going to post some pictures but its being bronzed this week so once the bronzing is done ill post it. Hoping to be able to use the bronze as the mold for vac-foruming so w'll see how it goes.

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fettpride said:
Great Job BobaFettSlave_1 !

And thank you for noting that your mods are clearly based on ESB. Keep in mind folks, that my armor was designed around ROTJ, and have been made "Universal". I didn't have the time, or the reference to make two sculpts 4 yrs ago when this all started :lol:

It should also be noted that my armor was also designed around a combination of AOSW, and MoM exhibit shots, basically what was clearest from different angles. The reason I bring this up is simply becuse between these two exhibits, the chest armor has subtle "Trimming" and "Warping" differences between the two sets. The left breast piece is especially different between the two exhibits at the upper left hand corner. Just thought I'd throw that out there in case anyone is confused about this thread, as it is the first time I've seen it an issue. ;) On a side note, I do have shots of my armor taken right up next to the real deal. One of our members was kind enough to take these comparison shots when he went to the exhibit in Australia, again, ROTJ ;)

Oh, and Tim Allen ... you wanna run that by me again bud? Sounds a wee
borderline for "Recasting"? I'm quite suprised that no one else picked up on it ...

:D :D I got a FP aproval. :D :D :thumbsup: :thumbsup: thanks guys

Ya I did the Dimond peice last so i took my sweet time with the weathering on it. most of it was done by scraping the green off with my fingernail to as close to the weathering i could see on the dimons in the ref pics.
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