Mini Boba & Jango Build

Tod buir

Jr Hunter
Hey Guys:
I've been cruising the forums for a few months working on this, then I ran into Asok over Fourth of July and he convinced me to stop being a lurker. I'm in the process of building a Boba and a Jango costume for my six-year olds. Thanks to Wizard of Flight for his awesome templates, Fett Full of Dollars for the trash can armor idea, and Stormtrooper guy for his rattlecan colors. The costumes aren't 100% accurate, but hey they're for kids, and I gotta get two of these things done by Halloween! Also, I made a few adjustments for safety/durability once they start playing in them.

The armor is trash can. The helmets are signage, fiberglass, and Bondo. The "ears" are MDF (I got a little excited late one night, and accidentally epoxied the right ears on before I filed the edges down). The gaunt bases are PVC and the tops are MDF sections epoxied together. I cut the left gaunt short in case a hand got snapped back in a fall. The knees are PVC with MDF dart blocks and dowel rod darts. The ammo pounches are craft foam. It's a WIP, but I wanted you to see what I have so far. Thanks for all the help!

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Boba Fett project 001.JPG



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Thanks for the encouraging feedback. It's nice to know I'm on the right track. Hey DisposablHero, I don't know how big your daughter is, but my boys are about 45 inches tall, and the A4 WOF templates fit them pretty well, though the gaunts needed to be trimmed a bit. Hope that helps.
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Well, here's a few pics of the finished Jango gaunts. As I said before, they are PVC bases with MDF components epoxied on top. Hope to have the Boba ones done soon.

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How heavy are the gauntlets with the MDF on them? Also I always thought MDF stood for Medium-Density Fiberboard. Learn something new everyday.

The sections are pretty small, so the gaunt assemblies are fairly light. I'd say each one weighs slightly more than a VHS tape. Maybe it is Medium-Density, instead of Multi-Density. I really can't remember. When using it on the costumes, maybe we should just call it Mandalorian-Density Fiberboard :D!
Just a couple of pics showing the finished Boba gauntlets, and both helmets with visors & rangefinders installed. Still need darts, jetpacks, and Jango leg armor. I'm starting to wish Halloween came at the end of November.:wacko

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Hey, for easy darts, find a LEGO set that has the shiny little spears, or pick up some on eBay. They might just be close enough to scale to work.
How did you build the helmets?


The helmets were built using Wizard of Flight templates and "for sale"-type signage. Antman has a great tutorial on how to put everything together. After they were assembled, I fiberglassed the insides, and bondoed the tops.
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