Metal Helmet Using WOF Templates


Well-Known Hunter
I've been busy with the metal again... This weekend I wanted to try making a helmet uing the WOF templates. I know I have so many other Fett projects to update but you know how it goes... start another project as the other one dries. Anyway here you go...

Let me know what you think. Thanks!










Ever since I found the WOF templates and this site I have always wanted to try making one in metal!!
So Far yours is looking great!
Keep us updated! :cheers
i wouldve sliced a finger off by now! thats some fine work!

Let's see... I practically sliced a knuckle off my left hand in December working on metakl guantlets and I sliced the palm of my left hand this weekend! :cryI just need to keep peroxide and bacitracin on hand!:thumbsup:

Thanks for looking!
I worked on the cheeks and cut some of the visor out. I also gave it a rough sanding to debur it. (and give it a worn look) I bought some fiberglass cloth and resin too. This will definitely have to be reinforced. I may tackle that Friday.

So tell me about the shape. I know its not perfect but hopefully I can correct it before I glass it. I will also use JB Weld to close the seams on the outside. It sands to a grey finish and won't detract to much from the metal color.





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None on the shape. I don't know quite enough about that yet, and am still in the "measuring twice" phase of my own steel helmets. But I did want to offer one of these as something you might want to use to fill seams and shape edges. :)

I will be using JB Quick to fill in the seams. When it gets sanded it looks a light gray color. I've actualy started doing that already. Maybe by Monday I will have that done and the interior fiberglassed. Thanks!
I know I have so many other Fett projects to update but you know how it goes... start another project as the other one dries. Anyway here you go...

HAHA! That sounds EXACTLY like what I have going on at my fiance even wrote me out a checklist to get everything done. I stuck to it for....about a half a week and I started 2 new projects! HA! Helmet looks great so far! Good luck on the refining!! The most tedius part of a build!!
That seems as though it might be heavy?

Looks like either 20-22gu aluminum or sheet metal, so probably not that heavy at all.

If it were stainless then that would be heavy. Glassing it is going to give it some weight for sure.

All in all not a bad job at all. the WOF templates are great, but I've never cared much for the dome because it always seems a bit to steep.
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