MC Chris Helmet Progress


Sr Hunter
Hello! I decided to build our beloved nerdcore rapper a Fett helmet, and this popped out of the mould today. It's a recast of a Don Post helmet, unsure of the year. I'm working in cleaning it up now. I hope to get more pictures soon! I don't have a digicam... lost it. So I'm stuck with the webcam.


Hey when did you say he was coming to Vegas? If Damien doesn't mind and I don't have ground school, I'll see if I can head up there.

Did you decide what scheme you were gonna use?
mc chris is coming to Vegas on Oct. 10th. I believe I will paint it in ESB just because that's the paint I have here at home. What do you mean about heading up here? I think I forgot something, haha
Damien loves to have other garrisons troop with us, but the only upcoming troop is on Sept. 9th, and I believe they only want Stormtroopers, and we might have enough TKs here locally. I'll keep you updated on NCG events :)
Damien loves to have other garrisons troop with us, but the only upcoming troop is on Sept. 9th, and I believe they only want Stormtroopers, and we might have enough TKs here locally. I'll keep you updated on NCG events :)

Ha ha ha ... I will be on the road the entire day on September 9!

The helmet is cleaned up for the most part, it still requires a lot of sanding.


Helmet is lookin' pretty good so far! Keep up the good work.
I might ... depends on my flight training schedule. If I'm free, I'll be there!
Tickets are $12!!

I also finally finished the helmet, it still needs painting though, it's all cleaned up and is ready for it's first prime. I'll then find the inperfections, fix them up, prime again, and painting will begin! Woo! :D
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