Man of War ROTJ gauntlets models "pics"

Man of War Studios

Well-Known Hunter
Hey guys,

Here are the final master models for the new jedi gauntlets..I've shortened the lengths about 5/8" and widened both wrist diameters a bit as compared to my latest ESB's..Will be pouring the molds as soon as my rocket arrives from the metal shop. I'm very pleased with the overall look and scale..I'm now excepting pre-paid orders..please pm for details. Thanks for your patience, Christian. :D


Left gauntlet:
length 9.750
rear opening 4.0 x 4.0
front opening 3.0 x 2.250

Right gauntlet:
length 8.750
rear opening 4.0 x 4.0
front opening 3.0 x 2.250
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They do look really nice, but why is the right one not quite as crisp and defined as the left one?

Because the real one is believed to have one fiberglass gaunt (the sharp one) and one vacu-formed one (the soft one). Or at least it USED to be believed that was the case. Not sure if public opinion has changed on that.
Thanks Ripcode...and to everyone thank you !

I'm anxious to get the molds completed and get a few props pulled :)

Some collectors out there have been very, very patient with me in delivering the new versions...I want to especially thank them as well :p

If any of you guys out there need a set before Halloween please don't wait. My workload is rapidly building :eek:
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