I went to the leather shop today, and we decided on 16 across and 12 down, because the height of the squares stay constant (I thought they get bigger, but the height of ea square has to extend to the holes of the one overlapping it), but depending on how big one's waist is, you may need an extra row across. We measured at 1 1/4" across per square up at the top four rows, and 2" at the bottom four rows to give it the flare. So, you have about a 1/4" enlarging progression widthwize of the squares every four rows. Lacing is really hard to come by in that color. And, if you buy natural leather and dye it, you run the risk of it falling apart really quick, because the leather is not very strong. I am going to order a tandy catalog, you all should too. I brought my life size stand up to him and he said it looks like a 7-8 oz natural leather dyed. I was trying to get him to explain the difference between veg tanned and natural. Natural is weaker but takes in a lot more dye. I will be trying to decide if I can have the guy dye the veg tanned leather or natural leather.
Wookie, I believe you said veg tanned leather, is there a reason why you went with veg tanned instead of natural? Or, if anyone can help in this leather dept?