LED Comparison: tk409 and shackman


Sr Hunter
Since I've got both of them at home right now, I figured I'd post up a couple of pics. the 2 part one with the cable is the shackman.

Front view of both boards:

Side view:

Top view:

Later tonight I'll take some lit up ones. I wanted to wait until it was dark, so that I could take a timed exposure one in a dark room.
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Yeah, Batninja and I did a thread that included size comparrison pics, active pics and even video! MODS!!!! Combine and make a sticky!!!!!!
evan4218 said:
Yeah, Batninja and I did a thread that included size comparrison pics, active pics and even video! MODS!!!! Combine and make a sticky!!!!!!

wow, i totally missed that thread! there's no point to this one at all ;)
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