Knee Darts and launchers-


Active Hunter

Hey all- I had a friend make up some knee darts and launchers for me, what do you think? Machined aluminum, I think they came out very nice. He said if there is any interest he could make a few more sets. Just let me know and I'll pass it along to him and let you know the specifics.

take care,

Those look really nice actually. Why don't you PM me with an estimated price and I'll see if I can afford to order a set...Thanks

Hey guys I'll talk to him today and ask him about a price.

All 4 pieces are threaded for a screw in the back ( I forget the size, but I'll ask again.) so that you have the option to screw it in when you install them.

Just a heads up for anyone interested, the launchers measure 1 7/8's inch tall, with a 3/4's inch diameter at the base. And the dart is 1 an 1/16's inch tall and 1/2 inch diameter at the base. The set would be $40 each if anyone is interested. I'll get you information on the thread size (although I think my friend can provide screws to attach.)

Let me know if anyone is interested!

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