Killstripes. PESKY!

AFettFullofDollars said:
I like the masking tape/mustard combination for painting the killstripes. Here's a M_S and a M_S 2 that I'm painting for two boardmembers here. Can you tell which one is which? :lol:

MS on the left MS2 on the right? Looks awesome BTW.
Does any one use artist tape? It ain't cheap but it works great for masking stuff off. I use it on illustration to make a border on the board. It gets tons af paint on it and peals of really easy with nothing under it, but these are with brushed oil, acrylic paint, and the ocassionaly watercolor. I've never used with an airbrush. I just got my first airbrush last week. It's a handy little tool. I was wondering if anybody's used it or not because I ran out a couple weeks ago, and I haven't bought anymore yet because I'm working on the computer alot more lately. Does anybody know if it'd be worth buying artist tape instead of masking tape for this type of project?
hmmm, interesting. I will take a look at some of this artist tape tomorrow. I am going to the art store first thing in the morning !
I picked up some artist tape and gave it a try. I still got a little under spray, but nothing too bad. I don't think you'll hardly even see it once it's wethered. I would have taken a picture, but my significant other is a realtor, and she's using the camera to photograph houses today.
I use a tape for painting RC polycarbonate bodies called "Pactra"....NOTHING gets past it....I swear by it when masking anything. Even still I have to agree with GM 100% on how well mistakes are covered when prop building. I had to go back in on my Fett helmet plenty to bring it to my satisfaction. It's why we are all called "artists" :cheers

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