Kid clone

Southern hunter

Active Hunter
Hi everyone,
Here are a few pix of my daughter's clone armor. The helmet and blaster are from Toys R us, the body armor is vac-formed. Constructive comments welcome. This is my first time working with vac formed armor. Please be kind. :D


That is awesome... would you like to adopt me? :D

Where did you get the armor from and how much? I'm taking my son with me to Celebration 5 and would like to surprise him with something like this.

Great work!
First attempt at a vac formed kit says you? Good first attempt at a vac formed kit says I.
Heres a link to my kidsclone build, it might give you some ideas. Ive fitted it to a much smaller kid (my son Jack) so I think it was actually a little easier for me than it is for you.
The knees are definately tricky. Ive tried a few things but at the end of the day, Im gonna have to do them the same as the grownup clones. Looks like the Cod was a touch over-trimmed, the thighs could come up a smidge too. (did you make a strap girdle type thingy?) When you complete the belt it should eat up some of the black undersuit showing between the ab plate and the top of the cod. You can always take some .060 plastic and extend one or the other...or both. Looks like the compad still needs to go on -that really makes that forearm pop. With the thickness of the kids kit, I found that using flexible fillers for the seamless side of the parts was really key. The buckets by this maker are really awesome too, Ive got the Ph2 bucket built and the Ph1 bucket about 40%. I love this kit! I love that there are other people like YOU out there who are going all-out on their kids costumes! If you need any help with specific problems, I am 100% there for you SH!
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Miqt, you're right, I did over trim the cod piece some. The cod/butt piece are two pieces and I tried to link them together with wide white elastic with mixed results. The cutting and initial fitting went well. The legs took FOREVER! :cry Constantly trimming, trying on, trimming more trying on etc. The ab plate kept curling back into its original shape. I also added strips under the shoulder areas for extra support and added styrene to the ribcage area so the chest and back would fit better. All in all, though it was a good kit and a good bonding time with my daughter.

This year she wants to be Captain Rex. Well, as she put it, she'll be Padme Amidalla disguised as Capt. Rex to lead the troops into battle because Rex was wounded. :D
Yeah, Im not pleased with the way the calves came out for me -I found the legs fairly challenging- but good practice for my clone kit in progress.
I've got twin 4 yr olds who will eventually be fighting over this cosume when they grow into it. They are the right size now for the kids biker scout, but would'nt last long in it (wish I would have found kidsclonearmor
sooner!). We'll be bringing Jacks Kidsclone with us to C5 -are you going? Im hoping to get a pic of my kids with other costumed little ones for his
SW scrapbook. My fav. so far is him with a grownup Bly here in Toronto.
Take care,
She's becomeing well reconized from wearing this also..A friend is making trading cards with the photo of her as a Jedi on one side and Clone on other..
Everything on this is held together with heavy duty velcro..I used bicep bands I got at sporting good store to hold on elbows and knee pieces. The thigh pieces I used foam rubber inside so that it holds firmly to her leg but does not squeeze.
Yeah, Im not pleased with the way the calves came out for me -I found the legs fairly challenging- but good practice for my clone kit in progress.
I've got twin 4 yr olds who will eventually be fighting over this cosume when they grow into it. They are the right size now for the kids biker scout, but would'nt last long in it (wish I would have found kidsclonearmor
sooner!). We'll be bringing Jacks Kidsclone with us to C5 -are you going? Im hoping to get a pic of my kids with other costumed little ones for his
SW scrapbook. My fav. so far is him with a grownup Bly here in Toronto.
Take care,

Not to sound like a complete moron, but what is C5 and where is it?
Here are some pics of the Clone Armor I put together for my Daughter Ainsley..

WOW!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Great costume! Good pix! BTW, what are bicep bands? Where do i get them? I had a lot of trouble with the cod and butt pieces popping off and she had trouble walking. My daughter walked like C3-P0 instead of a Clone trooper. :) Any suggestions?:confused
Bicept bands are about half the size if regular sweat bands..I'll take some pic and put them on here..My daughters costume held up well..she wore it 2 days straight and I made it so we could remove parts of it for her to sit or if she needed a bathroom break..The belt is the only thing that gave me any kind of fit..Oh and C5 is the Strar Wars Celebration 5 in Orlando this coming August.
As far as walking like 3PO..I just had to tell her to relax and that she wouldnt hurt it and trust it wasnt going to fall off when she walked..I also put alot of padding in the thigh pieces to reduce rubbing.
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