Kal Skirata Kal Skirata

Looking nice!! Are you going to put a gash on the visor where the big scratch is?

No, I'm going on the basis that the visor and ears (which would contain system components) would be replaced to keep the helmet functional. The scratches themselves would be left as battle scars.

This will be an entire suit soon. The collar and chest plates also have some gouges. I will also be revamping some gauntlets to house Kal's favorite weapon.
hate for you to have to redo parts of it but on page 128 of triple zero it says:

It had detailed crimson and gold sigils and the alloy section that formed the eyepiece T of the visor was jet black. There were telltale scrapes and gouges as if some huge creature had clawed at it.

so I'm guessing it's the eye part of the T visor as opposed to the top of the cheeks that is supposed to be black.

a lot of people also mention brown for the top of the cheeks but I don't remember that being in the book so it's debatable.
Very good info Drago, I thought I had read it was black trim somewhere but I was going off the helmet Ray made for Karen. I'll throw it back on the bench tonight and lay some black down on it.

I still need to mist the cheeks with brown, that parts not done.

The sigils come later, Karen hasn't decided what they are yet.

Thanks for the input Drago.
no problem man. and if you figure out a good quote or something for the sigils do make them public - I haven't been able to come up with anything good yet.
Very nice so far!! :eek:

I don't know why, but the way the trim goes around to the back, then takes a dive down the sides of the custom back panel, it just looks awesome. Might have to steal that look. :p
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