just wanted to say introduce my self


Active Hunter
just wanted to introduce my self

Hey every body just wanted to introduce my self and I have a few questions. If there is a FAQ I missed please just let me know and I will mossey on over to that. I will be making my very first mando costume (I am trading a set of MR Darth Maul FX sabers for all of the armor pieces including a slighty miss shappen rubies bucket and a vest for it) so the only thing I will have to pick up is a jump suit. I know you can pick up a decent one at JC penny's. Now this will be a custom mando job so I am not worried about the belts and stuff like that. Hence the custom part of it LOL. Now since the helmet is slightly miss shappen what is the best way to bend it back into shape? Also what is a good way to install a full lense in my helmet? I noticed that somebody said there is a section that shows a lot of people's custom mando jobs but I cannot find the thread can somebody send me the link so I can check it out and get some Ideas?
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Well first off welcome to the boards, I just joined officially yesterday myself, i'll find that thread for you and PM it to you, don't quote me on this but I have heard that under heat the rubies buckets can be modeled back to what they should be, I know with my DP Scout Trooper bucket it got deformed so I put it in my truck in this lovely 95 degree San Diego weather and got it nice and pliable and got it right back into shape, then just put it in the closet for acouple hours and perfect! Lemme go find that link for you and welcome to the boards!
2nd that. Put that thing in a car..............in central Ca. it's about 104 degrees today. I'm praying for the 90's. I taped it from front to back till I got the flare I wanted. You can usually find premade visors to fit your helmet on ebay. Cut the plastic and glue one in.
Well, unofficial member, I am a member of the 501st so i've been at acouple meetings of the SDSWS because the 501st meeting is just afterwards.
see thats my delima I want to join the 501st in the worst way and I know I can join if I have a cannon Fett costume but thats going to be really hard to do. So I may just have to wait on the 501st:cry
I am a Scout Trooper for the 501st, i'm gonna rejoin with my custom mando when its done though, because we all know Mando's>Scout Troopers.....
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