Jet Pack Draft Blueprints


Well-Known Hunter
Jetpack Draft Blueprints


See post dated 3/28/05 for update.

Rocket Flat Pattern update 4/7/05, see the post below.

As for the answer to the allusive size question here is my take. After pouring over the reference photos that I have based on a 6’ tall Boba the JP should be about 15” wide not including the thrusters, (the Don Post JP measures 19”). To satisfy my curiosity I also measured the Screaming’s small Boba Fett model (the scale is about 1/6.67th) and the OSC 1/6th scale action figure doll version, the Screaming model scales out to 14.5” and the OSC is running 16.5”. The one important fact to remember here is that the JP be correctly sized to the user. What works for someone 6’ tall will look huge on someone who is 5’6”. Any opinions?
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Looks good, but the Jet Pack Activator has a Bevel on it,
(the metal piece on the outside of the Round Thruster (The ball)).

Here's a pic of what I am talking about:


The bevel is really slight, but it's there.

Otherwise I think you did an Awesome Job!

Is that a CAD drawing?
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Thank you! Wow, I missed that. This just the kind of stuff I needed, please keep it coming. When they are done I’ll be posting the final version.

I use AutoCAD V14, I import pictures, in this case the one from the Star Wars Chronicles and use a reverse perspective type of process to get the orthographic views. It is then exported to a GIF file.

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VERY VERY Nice! That's THE best rendering I've seen of the Jet Pack. Great work
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Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please
send me the measurements.
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very nice. and when i mean nice i mean nice. i would try to give some tips but im not the kind of person that remebers little details...actually only a few actually know the real deal and i'd bet they'd agree that the jet pack you have there is a very nice piece!
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Thank you, the enthusiasm has encouraged me to get back to work on this drawing. I'll be posting completely dimensioned drawings when they are complete.

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Here is another item I noticed, the rocket exhaust vent is too small on your diagram:
Do you see what I am referring to?
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Thank you! Those changes have been made and I have started to add more detail. Should have an update in a few days.

Keep it coming.

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That's the plan. I went and visited the Don Post Boba today to verify and take additional dimensions. It’s looking pretty good, I’ll have to make some adjustments and should have an update soon.

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Here is the latest version of the JP blueprints. I created a CGI model of the JP and superimposed that over a number of reference photos in order to verify the proportions. From the CGI model I was able to make the appropriate correction to the blueprints. PackRB-sh1.gif PackRB-sh2.gif

On a side note, the Don Post version cannot be used a reference for the actual Boba Fett JP. I explored that avenue and was amazed at how different they are and as a result I had to completely ignore all of the dimensions that I took of the DP Boba jet pack.

As for the answer to the allusive size question here is my take. After pouring over the reference photos that I have based on a 6’ tall Boba the JP should be about 15” wide not including the thrusters, (the Don Post JP measures 19”). To satisfy my curiosity I also measured the Screaming’s small Boba Fett model (the scale is about 1/6.67th) and the OSC 1/6th scale action figure doll version, the Screaming model scales out to 14.5” and the OSC is running 16.5”. The one important fact to remember here is that the JP be correctly sized to the user. What works for someone 6’ tall will look huge on someone who is 5’6”. Any opinions?

The templates will be following shortly as well as a conversion chart so that the blueprints can to scaled to match the stature of each individual. They are currently drawn to match a standard 6 foot tall male.

Please take a look and see if I captured all of the details correctly and let me know what you think. I am also looking for any suggestions that you all might have that would make the blueprints and templates easier to use.

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Rednave said:
The pic doesn't work, just a red x

I had the same problem. Right click the link, chose Save Target As, and save it to your computer. Then you can open it.

wizardofflight said:
Any opinions?

Wow. Does that count as an opinion?
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I have fixed the links above. Had to break it down into two sheets as the original image was just too large for the browser to handle. Both images are under 300K.


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