jdfett Jango project


Well-Known Hunter
JDFett's Jango project

so ive started to amass a bunch of goodies for my jango project...ive started to get my armor together and this is the front assembly r&b'd...worked on this for about 2 hours today until my shoulder fell off...best i could get it..

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actually i ended up getting ahold of some bkbt armor...the jd armor will only be my knees and the backplate...which are the missing pieces from the bkbt set...i aquired them from someone who couldnt work on them...they only needed very little trimming and sanding before i applied the r&b...

it does appear somewhat even...in person there are some spots that are not quite as shiney but i think im going to attribute that to instant weathering;) even with the duller spots...the picture doesnt do the really shiney areas justice...i could comb my hair...if i had some (i do maul as well) in the reflection in some areas..
so i took a small break from the armor to start working on my kamino jet pack. I got the pack from a garrison member who upgraded his boba pack. This one originally came to me from Chris G. from the NEG who had bought it from Brian A. It was Brian's first Boba pack.

here's how it came to me...

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here it is in stage one sanding...this was a real pain i gotta tell ya!

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notice the rockets have been removed for now...I have to fix a couple sections with some sign plastic and bondo so i had to remove them for now. plus it made sanding easier. Ive got to hit the whole thing with some super fine sandpaper still as i used a slightly corse grit to get it to this stage

There also was a few minor fixes needed in the structural integrity of the pack....

holes from beacon and stabilizer

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the back was also cracked and needed repair...

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so i picked up some sign material

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filled in the holes from the back with the sign material glued with abs cement

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then finished off with some bondo

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one thruster hole was pretty banged up as well so i used the same technique to clean it up and i'll put a new hole in.

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all the bondo needs a sanding and another coat for durability, then the pack just needs to be primed a few times with some high grit sanding inbetween coats and then painted.

i was then able to get the thing sanded and primed and start the repaint. I was really trying hard to get everything super smooth until i looked at the reference cd for Jango and saw a bunch of weathering and really rough surfaces on the pack. so I figured I would sand it the best I could and work with what i had to make it look more weathered and used.

here it is all primed up and ready to be painted

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I thought hard on what to do first seeing as the color scheme of this pack is basically insane. I figured a good bulk of the pack was done in yellow so thats what i did first. I used painters tape to mask out the areas and then painted it with farm equipment yellow followed by a mist of popsicle orange and leather brown. I still need to put the weathering on but i will wait till the whole pack is painted to give the weathering a more uniformed look.

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some lines aren't perfect but i will be overlaping some of the areas with the other colors, which was done on purpose. anything that doesnt work out perfect will either be then touched up with a brush or weathered over.
It's a shame all that great weathering on the pack had to go...looked great.

But can't wait to see how your new paint works out!
so i finally finished the paint part of the jet pack. The latest in the costuming...go figure category....is this,

I get the whole thing all painted up and it's looking mighty fine...i figure..what the heck, I'll R&B the missle...so i apply the rub and bring it upstairs to give it a quick once over with a papertowel, dont want it too shiny ya know....and as im doing that...the missle cracks off the top, bounces on the kitchen floor and shatters in a shard of thrill and excitment.

I've gotta tell ya...my reaction wasnt what i thought it would be...ya know...frazzle friken mutha farker, ect ect...I just looked at it...smirked to myself and said...in a soft and quiet voice..."you've got to be kidding me."

I gathered up the tiny pieces and made like a christmas story, super gluing it back together. once i had it mostly looking like a rocket again, It was then the question...how am i going to attach this to the pack now...

I found the jango knee darts that came with my knee kit and put one to good use. Grabbed some bondo and sopped some to the outside of the knee dart and stuck it in the missle. The did the same for the pack. I coated all the lines that were visable and needed a tad more structure also with bondo and held it for a couple minutes to keep it straight, problem solved :rolleyes:wacko

so here is a picture of the pack with repaired missle...you can see the bondo by the base...I need to sand the bondo and touch up the white when its cured...then the pack needs weathering and the decals, fix up the thrusters and I'll be done...

normal_paintjet pack4.jpg
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