Jango knee darts and gauntlet darts,LAST CALL!!

Dark Side

Active Hunter
This is the last possibility to buy my stuff untill the C4!
This period is becoming too much phrenetic and it's always more difficult find the time to work on this stuff.
I must work in my jet pack and I have also another project to work on!
Normally I have only the night to do all this thing and it's becoming impossible do everything.

I must produce some stuff for a few members here and after I'll take a break to work on my costumes.

So, if there is someone interested ,there is time until this monday (02-04) to buy my stuff !

This is the list:

1. knee darts (hole version with 4 screews) - 24 EURO + shipping

2. kit right gauntlet mini darts (4 darths) - 15 EURO + shipping

3. right dart (only the spike) - 16 EUR + shipping

4. kit (aluminun spike + 3 small plastic wings painted with R&B) 22 euro + shipping

5. kit right gauntlet frontal mini spikes (2 darths) - 10 EURO + shipping
I have all these parts and they are great!! The knee darts will go great with the knees that I make.
1.MonCal - kit# 1 2 4 5
2.CaptJono - kit# 2
3.AdmFrancis - kit# 1
4.pane - kit# 2 5
5.Cruzer - kit# 1 2 4 5 + darts for kid gantlets
1.MonCal - kit# 1 2 4 5
2.CaptJono - kit# 2
3.AdmFrancis - kit# 1
4.pane - kit# 2 5
5.Cruzer - kit# 1 2 4 5 + darts for kid gantlets
6.Brad1957 - kit# 2 4 5
1.MonCal - kit# 1 2 4 5
2.CaptJono - kit# 2
3.AdmFrancis - kit# 1
4.pane - kit# 2 5
5.Cruzer - kit# 1 2 4 5 + darts for kid gantlets
6.Brad1957 - kit# 2 4 5
7.HMPOTC33 - kit# 2
1.MonCal - kit# 1 2 4 5
2.CaptJono - kit# 2
3.AdmFrancis - kit# 1
4.pane - kit# 2 5
5.Cruzer - kit# 1 2 4 5 + darts for kid gantlets
6.Brad1957 - kit# 2 4 5
7.HMPOTC33 - kit# 2
8.BKBT - kit# 2 3 5
1.MonCal - kit# 1 2 4 5
2.CaptJono - kit# 2
3.AdmFrancis - kit# 1
4.pane - kit# 2 5
5.Cruzer - kit# 1 2 4 5 + darts for kid gantlets
6.Brad1957 - kit# 2 4 5
7.HMPOTC33 - kit# 2
8.BKBT - kit# 2 3 5
9.BH1053 - kit# 2
1.MonCal - kit# 1 2 4 5
2.CaptJono - kit# 2
3.AdmFrancis - kit# 1
4.pane - kit# 2 5
5.Cruzer - kit# 1 2 4 5 + darts for kid gantlets
6.Brad1957 - kit# 2 4 5
7.HMPOTC33 - kit# 2
8.BKBT - kit# 2 3 5
9.BH1053 - kit# 2
10.reveal1vader - kit# 1 2 3 4 5

Tomorrow I'll post every single total with the shipping cost and my paypal address.
1.MonCal - kit# 1 2 4 5 - 76 euro
2.CaptJono - kit# 2 - 20 euro
3.AdmFrancis - kit# 1 - 29 euro
4.pane - kit# 2 5 - 30 euro
5.Cruzer - kit# 1 2 4 5 + darts for kid gantlets
6.Brad1957 - kit# 2 4 5 - 52 euro
7.HMPOTC33 - kit# 2 - 20 euro
8.BKBT - kit# 2 3 5 - 46 euro
9.BH1053 - kit# 2 - 20 euro
10.reveal1vader - kit# 1 2 3 4 5 - 94 euro

All the prices are with the shipping cost!
This is my paypal address: veruskapuff@hotmail.com

I remember you that i accept only euro!
Please write your tdh username in the paypal payment e-mail.
1.MonCal - kit# 1 2 4 5 - 76 euro
2.CaptJono - kit# 2 - 20 euro
3.AdmFrancis - kit# 1 - 29 euro - PAID
4.pane - kit# 2 5 - 30 euro - PAID
5.Cruzer - kit# 1 2 4 5 + darts for kid gantlets
6.Brad1957 - kit# 2 4 5 - 52 euro
7.HMPOTC33 - kit# 2 - 20 euro
8.BKBT - kit# 2 3 5 - 46 euro
9.BH1053 - kit# 2 - 20 euro
10.reveal1vader - kit# 1 2 3 4 5 - 94 euro
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