It has arrived...

Darasuum Verd

Active Hunter
Well here she is, not teh best helmet, but not the worse. In my opinion I think it rocks, but hey it's my first helmet and I'm poor so it was teh best I could get. I'm satisfied with it. I will be painting it to go with my Custom, red and black ( for teh cheek border) so, here it is:










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eh.... that first shot is funny, the shirt I'm wearing is kinda small and bulges sometimes.... oh ya, forgot this one... I really like this one, don't know how it happened though:

Congrats, brotha! Can't wait to see the paint scheme flesh out.

You must be pretty small for it to look that big on you! :lol:
yeah Mandoman, like I said, expecting a growth spurt anyday now, and I am getting taller.... maybe its happening now... as I type.... my legs hurt.... sry, OT :). Anyway, I am gonna pick up my paints tommorrow, then I'll probably start painting on Saturday. And whenever I finish I will post some pics
Hoping for a quick responce to this one, I'm going to Wal-Mart soon to get my paints, and I was wondering, should I sand the old paint off before I put the new paints on?

EDIT: What do I need to fill in teh Dent?
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Fill in the dent, yes.

Yes, sand down. Get several grades of sandpaper, so shes gets as smooth as you can get her.

Painting wise, swing over to the automotive section and find the Dupli-Color paints, get Dupli-Color Adhesion Promoter, its helps the paint stick to the PVC. You wont regre it.
Hoping for a quick responce to this one, I'm going to Wal-Mart soon to get my paints, and I was wondering, should I sand the old paint off before I put the new paints on?

EDIT: What do I need to fill in teh Dent?

It's a good idea to sand and wash the whole thing to prep for painting. Use primer as your first coat, it helps all the paint stick to the helmet better.

To fill in the dent use bondo or 2 part epoxy putty. Be sure to work in a ventilated area, like outside. :lol: Also, wear some sort of dust or particle mask, you don't want to stunt your growth right before a growth spurt right?

K, I've got pics that are kinda old. The first couple are when the helmet was silver. The last two are when the red and black was painted on. I think I did ok, but it was just a paint test to see how it would work. I should be able to fill in that blasted dent sometime soon, and then I will do the "final" paint job.... yea right. ;) Mandalore FTW!




Being killed by the fumes from working on your first helmet would be bad, and tragically ironic.

Plan on wethering it?I couln't tell from the image. A clearer pic of it painted would be cool if ya get the chance :)

Keep up the good work and congrats on the whole growing up thing, lol.
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