It appears the ROTJ jumpsuit at M.O.M. is NOT gray.

Mr Fett

Well-Known Hunter
I haven't busted out my Boba Fett reference CD in a few years, and just recently have been studying things in there again, and that ROTJ jumpsuit on the mannequin at Magic of Myth is definately a light blue, the exact same shade as the reference pics of the ESB jumpsuit. It looks like they just weathered it heavily to give it that "gray with a hint of tan" look. I know Braks Buddy was using a very high quality camera and took those pics in high res, so the colors aren't off. It's a light blue jumpsuit. Just look at many of the photos in different areas of the suit and in so many of those shots, the spots they didn't heavily weather show clean light blue fabric. Especially spots they didn't think they had to weather, like upwards shots under the shoulder bells and inside the thigh pouch, where the corner is opened up a little and you can see the clean inside fabric underneath. Light blue all the way. Also right at the bottom of the legs, they weathered the lower legs heavily, but because they had to put the metal mannequin attachments up the calves, the spats don't cover the bottom like they normally would, and again it looks cleaner than the heavily weathered calves, and you can see that hint of blue at the bottom of the legs there, too.

Now I have an ESB bluish jumpsuit that I weathered down that I've worn with my ROTJ costume for years and I can see I'm not off with the M.O.M. suit, in fact it might be more accurate than the majority of ROTJ costumers that base their suits off the M.O.M. suit and buy gray jumpsuits.
I concur with MR. Fett.
While we had "free roam" priveledges at FIDM, I broke the "No touch" rule & pulled back the pocket flap on the Jumpsuit.
It was Blue underneath.

Will I make my ROTJ jumpsuit blue? NO
it looks grey/tan on the screen, so grey/tan it shall be
slave1pilot, I agree and am considering ways to make my jumpsuit even more gray looking than it currently is. It's not super blue by any means, but light blue-gray as it currently looks. I wonder if the "normal" screen used suit WAS gray, but maybe they used an ESB throwback for something on screen also, and that was the suit that ended up in the display, I don't know. Having personally seen the M.O.M. in two cities, it does look gray under their display lighting, but the high res pics of the cloth don't lie. It appears it actually was a light blue ESB type jumpsuit they somehow darkened up to appear more gray.
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I always thought it was the same jumpsuit all along to be honest, figured it had faded over time and possibly because Fett had spent time in the sun on Tattooine in the services of Jabba the Hut. In ROTJ where he raises his arm on the skiff to shoot Skywalker with his gauntlet laser there is definitely a hint of the old blue jumpsuit going on there..
Yeah, I think you're right. I just got out the Reference CD again and looked at the AOSW exhibit pics (which was happening in the UK around the same time as the US MOM exhibit was happening, so different costumes) and that suit also had some light blue showing through in sections of the cloth that wasn't weathered heavily, and that was the suit we call the ROTJ Special Edition costume. So, it looks like both ROTJ costumes on display had light blue jumpsuits that were weathered darker, though in the pics, the AOSW one appears more gray than the MOM one does.
I've yet to have been fortunate enough to have seen the M.O.M exhibit (and the web site does not give much in detail) so forgive me if I ask this, but don't they have an achive of what materials they use when making these props? I've been to other exhibits where there is a list of componets that describe exactly what the item was made of, but if this is not possible then I'm afraid that the only way to get it right is to do the "hand's on" approach (like Slave1Pilot did). If that is not possible then even seeing it in person can be deciveing, because without the proper lighting it can throw off one's preception as to what color the object should be. C
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It's such a weird optical illusion I guess. BOTH the exhibits running simultaneously with screen used suits were light blue, but it looks gray. Even I've seen the MOM one in person and it does look gray, but like was said could be the lighting in that room. I was only bringing this topic up since a lot of Bobas here are trying to perfectly match their costumes to either the MOM or AOSW exhibits. If that is the case, they should be getting ESB jumpsuit colors and weathering them down heavily to appear gray. :lol:
It's such a weird optical illusion I guess. BOTH the exhibits running simultaneously with screen used suits were light blue, but it looks gray. Even I've seen the MOM one in person and it does look gray, but like was said could be the lighting in that room. I was only bringing this topic up since a lot of Bobas here are trying to perfectly match their costumes to either the MOM or AOSW exhibits. If that is the case, they should be getting ESB jumpsuit colors and weathering them down heavily to appear gray. :lol:

I had never given a second thought about the jumpsuit being tan having seen the MOM display myself and having taken footage of it. So I went back and watched ROTJ DVD in slow mo. and you can def see the hints of blue on the jumpsuit. Heres a screen cap mates. Enjoy!
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Here's a couple shots to show the underlying light blue jumpsuit. Look inside this left leg thigh pouch where you can see the fabric inside....


....and a nice upper arm pic....


Plus, slave1pilot got his hands on the real deal in the case and said the unweathed fabric was blue, not gray.

Now, just to be fair to the MOM pics, here's another pic of a different ROTJ suit on display at the same time over in the UK at AOSW, taken by a different photographer. Look on the bottom left side of this pic, where you can see inside the thigh pouch flap where they didn't do any weathering. Same light blue!


Now the pics on the Reference CD are larger sized than the ones shown here sized down. On the smaller size here, it still looks more gray, but in the larger scale, the blue stands out quite a bit more.
I've had some conversations with many others about this over the years, & I'm convinced that the ROTJ suit is in fact a reused ESB suit that has faded a bit over time. I dunno if anyone else has noticed this, but that dang blue color really fades/lightens fast!!!!! I've had to re-dye mine a number of times to keep it the correct ESB blue. Always gotta keep working on stuff!!! :lol:
I think I actually talked about this with you JK, I've thought for a while myself that the jumpsuit was the same blue, but just faded over time (especially after filming in the sun). As people have been pointing out, it's noticeable under the pouch flaps, double sleeves, armpits, and anywhere else the sun doesn't reach. I hope to see some more ROTJ Fetts dying their jumpsuits!
I guess my jumpsuit was correct this entire time. Back in '99 when I ordered my jumpsuit, I purposely ordered a light blue ESB one even though I knew I was building an ROTJ suit. I just liked the color better. Now, over the years and through the weathering, it actually appears much like those pics I posted earlier in this thread......kinda grayish-bluish, with some of each showing through. Check out recent pics in this thread:
That is a light blue jumpsuit. See it in natural sunlight. Now it looks much like the M.O.M. jumpsuit! :D

My weathering I did years ago was just mix up a spraybottle of some water, gray and black acrylic paints, woodchips and dirt from the lawn. I didn't spray it on, I dumped a little at a time on an old rag and rubbed that rag on the jumpsuit, concentrating on the seams and other areas where weathering looks good. Then, I let it air dry a couple days.
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