Introducing JP_Fett from Atlanta!

Be gentle ya'll... I still have a couple of minor things to do...



Nice work INDEED! Looks great!
Just a suggestion maybe you could contact the person you got the parts from & get a bit of info on the heritage of your Jango items. Often Helmets & Gauntlets will have the makers name on the inside. I only suggest this as some serious Jango's like to reel off the makers of each part. This helps other Jango's in their decisions of what make of parts go together well. Not too far from Petrol heads discussing "twin cam blowers" or whatever they discuss....

Maybe if other members recognize any of your parts they could post you a brand or makers name...

Did I mention it looks great!

I'm pretty sure it is. It's a JD helmet, right? As far as I know, I'm the only one who painted the cheeks with a pointed area vs the rounded off. Can you post some more pics of the helmet? Inside too. If it's mine, it was a good helmet.

I'm pretty sure it is. It's a JD helmet, right? As far as I know, I'm the only one who painted the cheeks with a pointed area vs the rounded off. Can you post some more pics of the helmet? Inside too. If it's mine, it was a good helmet.


Not sure if it's a JD or not... no identifying marks on it anywhere...

Here's some pics:






That's Pooh, she likes to help.. :-)
Looks better than mine and I have been accepted into the 501st! LOL I would juist say switch the color of the vest and gloves and go!

Correct the vest is supposed to be a dark grey color but people often use black because they grays available come out too light when a flash is used. The gloves are a shade of blueish gray. The right shade of gray is ok but if you go blue it needs to be a darker blue color. Like I said before your suit rocks as it sits!

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