Interest thred for TDH Helmet Workshop at Dallas All-Con


Active Hunter
This topic was brought up at lunch after the SciFi Expos Fan day this past weekend. My self, Darth Miller, and SpidyFett all thought this could be allot of fun and worth doing but I wanted to see what others thought before I reserved a room and time for it.

What it would be: Well, in my mind it would be a chance for members new and old on this forum to bring there helmets and I will supply large format Reference pics mounted on boards. We can do walk through on different styles on painting, weathering, and customization. Take questions and even discuss things like the MR vers. fan made and show the differences so far.

Can it be officially named "The Dented Helmet workshop"???
I would hope so but I am just a member on this board and don't want to act like I own a piece of this forum, I am a guest but I am not sure who to ask for permission to officially connect the work shop with this forum.

When can it be???
There is time on Sunday afternoon. I think that would be best. There is time on Sunday during the costume competition but sadly I want to attend that competition so I think I will vote a big no on having it at that time.

Who will do the workshop?
I think if Spidyfett would be willing to speak at it, DarthMiller, I can, and who ever else from this board that is attending All-Con should talk about what they did to there bucket to make it screen accurate or unique.

Just post your thoughts on this and I will take care of the rest!
any room for a total noob? :)

I met a couple of you at the DFW prop party this weekend. And some of you may have seen the Don Post 97 I have been charged with trying to improve. While not the greatest example of a helmet, it's perfect for a beginner to learn on.

If anything I'd just like to meet everyone.

yes man....we would love to have you show up!!

muttley said:
any room for a total noob? :)

I met a couple of you at the DFW prop party this weekend. And some of you may have seen the Don Post 97 I have been charged with trying to improve. While not the greatest example of a helmet, it's perfect for a beginner to learn on.

If anything I'd just like to meet everyone.

Thats the enitre point of this work shop, to bring people interested in these props and the things we do to make them better, more screen acurate or just plain cool! An open forum if you will.

I am excited!!

I sent the offical email finalizing the time for 1pm on sunday!

I will be putting together a banner for the All-Con website to promote the workshop.

Continue to post with your ideas, questions and concerns about this work shop between now and March 19th at 1pm!!!

Remeber the event is March 17, 18, 19. The workshop is at 1pm on March 19th.
Kick arse!!! I will be mounting some things to foam core to show examples of the Helmets evelution, and key details. I will also bring my practice bucket to show a before and after on some different things, as well as the printable templates that I have created! If any body has access to THD T-shirts, those would be great to have onhand as well!
evan4218 said:
Spidy, even if DarthMiller and I have to kidnap you sunday afternoon, you gotta be there to pass your wisdom on to others!!

No need to break the law:lol: ...I think I can make it..:thumbsup:

**Should we get some approval of some kind from the "DENT" or something though??:confused
We only need aproval to call it an "Official THD Workshop" and use there logo. I posted on this thred asking for that and I will email the powers that be.. i.e. the admin but beyond that I am not sure what to do.
I can't remember exactly who, but either DustinCropsBoy, TylerDurden, of one of the mods owns the logo. You may want to PM them, just in case.
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