Ideas for a Sniper Rifle

Dha Syntir

Active Hunter
I've decided to start a sniper rifle project with some spare parts I have been saving for a project such as this one. I have the main body of the "rifle" and I have a scope and pistol grip, and also the barrel. What I need to do is make a very bare bones, delicate stock (think Verpine sniper rifle) for it and I also need to fashion some kind of flash suppressor/muzzle brake for the tip of the muzzle. I'm thinking a piece of pipe a little larger around than the half inch diameter barrel, then drilling out a set of uniformly placed holes over it's entire surface. Anyone have any suggestions that I can use to keep the lines all straight without a drill press and a bad hand? Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

I've got these little table top vises, they finda got this little suction cup on the bottom, they come in handdy a lot and you coupld probably make do with just a drill.
I never thought about that. I need to buy a set of the smaller clamps for stuff like this. Maybe I'll take a look tomorrow and see what I can scrape up so I can get to the flash suppressor/silencer and start drilling. I need to build the stock as well and was thinking about something similar to the Boba "sling-gun" that I just saw photos of recently. I also thought about using a stock AK47 lightweight stock thats a simple "T" shape. I'm not even sure which material(s) I should use for the stock part of the project-I'm always open to suggestions.

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