I would like to see scratchbuild blasters.

ill post some as soon as i can.only cost me about 30 bucks to make.unfortunately im still in the dark ages and i have to get the pics developed :facepalm
You can see a couple of photos of mine in the folder called "Yahoo Photos" at http://photos.yahoo.com/darthbish.
All up it's a pretty cheap baster thanks to my dad...(who's an electrician and has PVC pipe GALORE, and my Bro-in-law who owns a hunting and fishing shop, and who had an old telescopic scope and a rifle butt in his back room).

All up it probably didn't cost more than about 10 bucks

DarthBish wrote:

You can see a couple of photos of mine in the folder called "Yahoo Photos" at http://photos.yahoo.com/darthbish.
All up it's a pretty cheap baster thanks to my dad...(who's an electrician and has PVC pipe GALORE, and my Bro-in-law who owns a hunting and fishing shop, and who had an old telescopic scope and a rifle butt in his back room).

All up it probably didn't cost more than about 10 bucks

Sorry Buddy - but the link does not work :(

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