I need some help on my Boba Fett Helmet


Active Hunter
Ok im new to this kinda and im trying to make the bobafett costume. So i kinda dont know what a ESB or a RotJ, and im kinda in a small budget so i cant spend alot of money. Also if i vacum fourm it i dont have molds because im not good at wood working or at clay or any thing. Ive tryed to make it out of card board and put bondo or fiberglass over to strengthen it and it kinda worked out, but it took alittle while and all i did was part of the chest armor. So people please give me some tips on how to make a bobafett costume.
Hi Lizard!
Welcome to TDH. :) There's a lot of good info on the board. Use the "search" feature to get more specific information on the topics you're looking for.
Boba Fett is a very involved costume, so don't get discouraged if you can't find what you're looking for right away. Patience is the key!
One thing you could look for is "trash can" armor. It's chest/shoulder armor that's made from those big plastic trash cans. There are some templates on the board (use search :thumbsup: ) to show you how to make the patterns and stuff.
There are also some good tutorials, with templates again, for making a scratchbuilt helmet from thin plastic as well.
Good luck!
ESB = Empire Strikes Back
RotJ = Return of the Jedi
as far as helmets go, you can get em for around $100 - $300, depending on the make, maybe even as low as 75.
some others ive seen have actually built their own like you said, by using the top of a baseball helmet, and wrapping a thin plastic around under it for the base it looks like.
I dont have a job. Im kinda younge.My freind said im to younge to be so into star wars like i am(im only 14)(i know its younge buit i love star wars.).and ill search some things that i need.
you can never be too young to love star wars! i wanted the 2 star wars tattoos i got when i turned 18 since i was in 4th grade!

i wish you the best of luck in your fett armor!
welcome to tdh lizard like they have said you can make armor from trashcans. i tried that as my first set of armor and it worked out pretty well. the trash cans only cost about $20 .
But I need molds before I can make anything. right? and i need a vacum fourming mechine. right? i mean i would have some make me it but it cost so much and I mean I dont get mouch money. I get some money for chores but thats about it. And I was already trying to save up for a new PC, But making a Boba Fett suit would be worth more to me.
chck out wizardoflight templates , put that in the search . he has some great stuff! mabye that can help u as well. good luck!! :cheers
But I need molds before I can make anything. right? and i need a vacum fourming mechine. right? i mean i would have some make me it but it cost so much and I mean I dont get mouch money. I get some money for chores but thats about it. And I was already trying to save up for a new PC, But making a Boba Fett suit would be worth more to me.

if you want vaccum formed armor then yes you have to either make a vaccum forming machine or buy some vaccum formed armor. if you want to get your armor cheaply by saving up some money to buy a trash can from wal-mart or where ever then you print out the templates from wof and cut the templates out. tape the templates onto the trashcan and cut out your armor. its a pretty cheap way to make the armor plus it can look pretty awesome. go here for an example:http://www.thedentedhelmet.com/showthread.php?t=8793&highlight=trash+can+armor an alternative to that is buying some sintra which you can get from us plastics web site and do the same thing. hope that helps:)
If you really want to build a (small) vacuum-forming machine for experimenting with, you can just use a small box of thin plywood and hot glue. I just took a piece of hard fiberboard I had laying around, drilled holes through the top, and sealed my box of 1/8" thick plywood with hot glue, leaving a 1.5" diameter hole for a PVC pipe fitting to hold my Shop-Vac's hose (with duct tape around it to form a seal). It's not industrial-quality, I will admit, but it's functional.

Since I haven't acquired any styrene yet, I've been using Sunny-D bottles and windshield wiper fluid bottles (cut off to only leave the straight center section) as my plastic, and I have heated it up with my heat gun on the high setting so far. The frame I used to hold the plastic was simply a few pieces of thin plywood superglued together with a hinge and wingnuts to sandwich the plastic.

It's not the best system out there, but for trying out ideas and such, it's perfect. I'm only 17, so I understand your budgeting situation, and my total cost for a (roughly) 8"x6" machine and frame was about $.50, since I had all but the PVC fitting at home already. Not including the vacuum, I'd say that a cheap experimental system like mine would run about $10 to build by yourself, in a few hours of solid work. So far, I've formed a few small car bodies and I got decent details from it on the top of a (who else?) Boba Fett action figure. I'll PM you a picture of it when I get back home if you're interested. Good luck! :D
That sounds cool, but if i did that i might not use sunny d bottles and wind sheild wiper fuild bottles. I would probaly get so plastic sheets, but please send me some pics i would love to see it. The things that i would vacum form is probaly armor and the helmets.

I might start some progres on a vacum forming mechine, I will start later today probaly. Its about 4:26 P.M. right now so i will probaly start in about 20-35 minutes if i can.
That sounds cool, but if i did that i might not use sunny d bottles and wind sheild wiper fuild bottles. I would probaly get so plastic sheets, but please send me some pics i would love to see it. The things that i would vacum form is probaly armor and the helmets.

I might start some progres on a vacum forming mechine, I will start later today probaly. Its about 4:26 P.M. right now so i will probaly start in about 20-35 minutes if i can.

Check your PMs mate :D

The only reason that I have used those bottles is because I'm just trying out my setup and trying to work the bugs out of it. I've already figured out that the frame has to be a bit bigger, and it's much cheaper to work with small amounts of lower-grade material for initial experimenting as compared to the high-end styrene. I intend to buy some styrene sheets of various thicknesses soon though, and I want to build a second, larger table for doing multiple armor pieces and prototype gauntlets.

Hope the pictures helped you some ;)
im not doing so good on my vacum form mechine the board i was using broke soe that sucks. Ill have to try and get me dad to buy me some if he will. He banned me from his garage for a while because i left a mess on the floor in there(I was trying to make molds for my helmet to vacum form it).
hey i'm working on a helamt at the moment and doing it extremely cheap.
Check your local restaurants, they through out buckets all the time, they are the 20 litre ones, they work awesome and cut fairly easily so atm i have 5 buckets which i'm hoping is enough for the helmet. The other cool thing is the bucket is already close the the natural shape you need for your helmat and it fits wizards templates perfectly. i bought my visor for 7 dollars today its the dark green so looks like ESB for me cause no one in my town sells the black one but still im only out 15 total for my helmet so far. Glue and visor. Good luck
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