How to lighten over-misted armor?


Well-Known Hunter
Help, I need some input from the masters here at TDH. I think I over misted some chest armor w/ black and it seems too dark. Is there a way to lighten it up without re-painting?


Welcome to my life...:facepalm Lee suggested misting with the med. green to lighten it.
i've done that a few times. in my case it was misting on too much orange over my yellow.

i masked off the silver and lighter yellow colors on the shoulders to protect them, then misted over it with yellow again to tone down the orange.

the same would hold true on the armor... mask off your silver and yellow, and mist it with the base green again.
i've done that a few times. in my case it was misting on too much orange over my yellow.

i masked off the silver and lighter yellow colors on the shoulders to protect them, then misted over it with yellow again to tone down the orange.

the same would hold true on the armor... mask off your silver and yellow, and mist it with the base green again.

I agree. Also, I've found that using a scuff pad on the armour will also lighten it a bit.
Thanks guys, that gives me some ideas to start with. Any other advice, Spideyfett, Evan4218, Wicked Armor, etc.? Oh wait, you guys don't make mistakes, that I've seen anyway. :lol:

Next time:

1. Spray a little mist.

2. Walk away - have a beer.

3. Come back - look at it.

4. Mist more if needed - repeat to step 1.

Don't drink to many beers though :lol:
Thanks guys, that gives me some ideas to start with. Any other advice, Spideyfett, Evan4218, Wicked Armor, etc.? Oh wait, you guys don't make mistakes, that I've seen anyway. :lol:


there's a trick to a perfect paint job.

don't post your progress pics until you're done, and if you make any mistakes, leave those out of the story ;)
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