How to get pencil marks off tackle twill??


Well-Known Hunter
Ugg, finally got a nice accurate tackle twill vest. I lightly pencil marked where the armor will go, in order to sew on my velcro. Now I can not get the pencil marks off. My old cottn vest, you could just use an eraser, but apparently this does not work with tackle twill material. I have try all sorts of erasers that I have around the house, but they barely touch the marks. So, I am calling on my Fett brothers (and sisters) for help. Anyone have a remedy?:(
A dry eraser should work, it looks like a pencil, and pushes out. if not you can take it out with a bleach pen from tide, it wont harm the fabric and it will definitly take it out.
Thanks for the advice guys. Are dry erasers the ones that are white, and you click them out when you need more? If so, I tried one and it didn't work. I will have to look for one of those bleach pens when I go to the store, they won't hurt the color will they? My vest is already made from SGB, so I don't know if it is pre shrunk. It fits like a glove, so I do not want to change the size. I do have shout at home, will have to try it. What are most people using to weather their vests?
Well, I used softscrub which worked very well, but also lightened the material a little in the spots I used it. So I had to scrub the whole vest with softscrub to even it out. The result was a vest with subtle shades of grey. Natural weathering, looks real good actually.
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