How Does The Jet Pack Harness configure...


Active Hunter
How Does The Jetpack Harness configure...

O.k. here is my question, I am making a jet pack harness for my new pack MLC's. I have looked through alot of threads with alot of great ideas for the actual harness. I'm looking to make something similar to BKBT's because I think its a great concept.
But my real question is if the harness system goes over the jumpsuit and under the vest right? How do the straps come out from under the vest to the pack?
The way I'm seeing this, would the vest have to have coins slots similar to the jet pack for the straps to go through?
All in all I've yet to see a picture to define this detail yet so I was trying to see if someone could clear that up.
I know it sounds stupid, but maybe I'm overthinking this whole thing. I usually do till it drives me crazy.
Anyhow any help would be great!
You are exactly right! The vest should have a couple of slots to coincide with the slots on the backplate.
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I made a harness system that loops over my shoulders then has to buckles to connect it. One about middle of my chest, and one at my abdomen. Now you should have two straps with metal, square loop that hangs off of the back. You need 2 holes in the vest that line up with the holes in your backplate. You put the jumpsuit on first, next the harness, then your vest, and lastly your armor.
I made 2 metal hooks (basically) that slip in through the metal loops for my JP to hang on. I also have a wide hook that runs across the bottom of my JP which slips over the the lower buckled strap and keeps my pack from swaying.

I thought I had some better ref pics, but here is the only one I could find.

strap help.jpg
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Thanks guys, for the help. I guess sometimes the simple things are not as obvious. I'm drafting up a pattern for this as time permits me, never seems to be enough time.
So once I get something in hard form I'll post it up, see what you think.
Hey also are the straps black or army green? I've been looking at pics and they are black at the waist no doubt or am I seeing things?
Thanks again guys!
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The REAL suit had white or off-white shoulder straps as you can see in the picture posted above of the real suit.

Me personally, I used a set up that was based off of an old backpack that has black straps connected to quick clips.
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here's mine. It was adapted from Seeker's format. It fits REALLY comfortably and the energy is dispersed through your whole chest. With the MLC you don't know its even there.

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Hi everyone

the pics you ppl have posted are fantastic but (isn't there always a but) does anyone have pics of the bottom attachment the arrangment to stop the pack from swinging.

When i fanally get around to constructing my JP i will probably go for a rigid slim frame (with normal back pack webbing) with two clips at the top and a 'u' shape sticking out at the bottom. The 'u' piece will hopefully purtrude from the bottom of the back armour and then a simple bracket attached to the jp will slot into the 'u' piece.

Has anyone done this kind of arrangement before?
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Ronin677 said:
the pics you ppl have posted are fantastic but (isn't there always a but) does anyone have pics of the bottom attachment the arrangment to stop the pack from swinging.

I can only speak for myself here... I have no bottom attachment. The pack simply hangs from the two clips. The weight of the pack keeps it on my back with very little swinging.
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webchief said:
I can only speak for myself here... I have no bottom attachment. The pack simply hangs from the two clips. The weight of the pack keeps it on my back with very little swinging.


you mean you don't have the scuba belt?


*runs away before webchief hits him with something heavy*
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Got Maul said:
here's mine. It was adapted from Seeker's format. It fits REALLY comfortably and the energy is dispersed through your whole chest. With the MLC you don't know its even there.

So Maul yours swings free at the bottom too? I have my pack back from Fettfull of dollars and I am at this stage with the %^*#$ harness!
So Realistically it does only attach at the top. Now one other question.
With the MLC pack there are 2 small metal brackets at the bottom of the jp.
Do you velco the strap around that or do you use the slip loops like on a backpack strap to adjust it?
If that makes sense? So in other words there is a single strap that attaches to each of those brackets and comes up through the coin slots in the pack(which I have yet to do) and have the snap clip outside of that slot to attach to your harness. Savvy?
Any other input???
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Hey Guys how wide is the straps. An inch and 1/2 looked wide to me. Also if anyone can shed some light on my above question with the metal brackets at the bottom of the MLC pack, could you cut coin slots at the bottom?
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crazy4BobaFett said:
Hey Guys how wide is the straps. An inch and 1/2 looked wide to me. Also if anyone can shed some light on my above question with the metal brackets at the bottom of the MLC pack, could you cut coin slots at the bottom?
1/2 an inch? i think thats to small. i'd rather go with 1.5 inches.

As for the metal brackets, i think u could. is that the main thruster, though?
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