hip pouches on which belt????


Well-Known Hunter
I know this has been asked before but i can't find a definative answer.

Which belt does the hip pouches hang from on ESB?

sorry for duplicating this question again but i now have both belts and the pouches and they only seem to fit on the ammo belt (but i thought they went on the girth belt).

btw thanks Christi for the girth belt, it is by far the best of my costume so far :D
Jango's kid said:
They go underneath the ammo pouches on the ammo belt. They do not go on the girth belt if your going for accuracy;)

underneath the pouches but on the belt :confused :confused :confused how is this possible

sorry am i being stupid
I'm using industrial strength velcro on mine. I put the hook side of velcro on the inside back of the ammo belt, then put the loop side facing out on the upper part of the pockets. I may stitch the velcro on later, but so far, they are not moving.
TK-2177 said:
I'm using industrial strength velcro on mine. I put the hook side of velcro on the inside back of the ammo belt, then put the loop side facing out on the upper part of the pockets. I may stitch the velcro on later, but so far, they are not moving.

Exactly!!!!! Thats the best way to do it IMO
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