Here is my armor, tell me what you think


Here is my armor, tell me what you think,

Here is a color comparison, I know the armor is supposed to be darker than the helmet. Because I am doing ROTJ, please tell me what you think,

Here is a genearal picture of all my armor.

Here is a closer up pic.

Here is an even closer.

Here is one more.

Please tell me what you think, is it to dark, to weathered. Please tell me.
I think it looks awesome. nice job. I will start painting mine soon. hope it turns out half as nice as yours.

Thanks for all the compliments. Today I took out some of the yellow. Put in some silver over some of the yellow. So now I think it looks better, before I thought that it looked a little to weathered. I was also worried that it was to dark.
Oh yea my armor sort of smells like a hot dog :D. But my shoulder bells are a little sticky and I am not sure why, could it be the mustard? Or the paint?

BFett88 wrote:

Oh yea my armor sort of smells like a hot dog :D. But my shoulder bells are a little sticky and I am not sure why, could it be the mustard? Or the paint?

I used Catepillar Yellow on mine and this particular brand took about 3-4 days to finally dry past the "sticky" point. If the humidity is high it will make the drying time longer too.
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