Help Me Identify My Helmet


Active Hunter
Hey guys, I have recently aquired this helmet to accompany my collection of buckets. I do not know what kind it is though and was looking you your help. One of the pics is next to the mystery helmet so Mystery and Don Post are really the only two kinds I can rule out. Thanks




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I think it sick how good some of you are telling people's work. :puke :lol:

But you know I got nothing but love for you Spidey! :thumbsup:


Rudy G.
RudydarthG said:
I think it sick how good some of you are telling people's work. :puke :lol:

But you know I got nothing but love for you Spidey! :thumbsup:


Rudy G.

Your right, it really is a sickness....:lol: ....As soon as I saw I knew...I think I need help:wacko
Heck I could tell what your Bucket looks like too........Yours is Red and Black all over.;) :p ..
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Don't believe that Spidey guy...ONLY LIES AND TRETCHERY COME FROM HIM!


I'm just playin Alex...Alex is a God among men...or so I hear
Gilmore of OK said:
Don't believe that Spidey guy...ONLY LIES AND TRETCHERY COME FROM HIM!


I'm just playin Alex...Alex is a God among men...or so I hear

:lol: :lol: ..hardly....Heck AFF$ is the one that converted and painted this bad boy......there's your GOD...:thumbsup:

Thanks though.;)
Ohh but I've known you to paint a bucket in your day you humble little painting nymph. LOL

Spideyfett said:
:lol: :lol: ..hardly....Heck AFF$ is the one that converted and painted this bad boy......there's your GOD...:thumbsup:

Thanks though.;)
Here's the RotJ pics you were asking about. This helmet belongs to Shortimer52. You might want to get in touch with him and see if he can show you some pics with the visor and RF installed. Hope these help.

Grants Pictures 160.jpg

Grants Pictures 161.jpg

Grants Pictures 162.jpg

Grants Pictures 163.jpg

Grants Pictures 164.jpg
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