Helmet voice changer

Sleeping Jiva

New Hunter
Hi guys (and gals),
I have been looking at the Hyperdyne website and like the thought of their "Deluxe Pro Trooper voice amp" configured to the Bounty Hunter helmet voice installed in my bucket. This would be a first for me and I'm not sure what else you have to include when modifying. When checking out the Stormtrooper buckets they seem to have speakers and fans to cool stuff, etc. I was wondering if any of you guys have any of this stuff in your helmets and could give me some pointers on what is or isn't necessary.


I've trooped in the UK over the past year and found that in most cases fans aren't really needed. I do have one installed in my bucket but only use it on the really hot summer days or when I troop an event that doesn't have any air circulating through it, Memorabillia and London Expo spring to mind. PC fans work best for Fett buckets in my experiance.
I've seen the voice changer and it does look good, I don't use one prefuring a straightforward voice amplifier but it does look good.
I have on of these, and I love it! I will state two precautionary statements. #1) HD equipment is VERY fragile and delicate ... ya have to handle it gently. #2) When ya use this voice amp, ya have to speak slowly and annunciate ... otherwise, people ain't gonna be able to understand ya.

The only extra items ya need are a speaker, a microphone and batteries. I didn't make any helmet modifications ... I just put all of the electronics in one of my ammo pouches and the speaker in the other. Then I had all of the wires running under my soft armor. Again, the speaker is in my ammo pouch ... I do that so I won't get feedback.
So it's actually a voice changer, or is it just a regular voice amp that you stash in a belt and that's it? As far as fans go, my body temperature stays at a steady 101F pretty much all time and I can be sweating in mid winter, so two fans for my bucket...

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It's actually a voice changer. Now how dead-on-accurate is it? It depends on YOUR voice and how ya speak. If ya haven't already noticed by the way I post, I tend to speak with a southern accent ... there is no way that voice mod is gonna be able to make my voice sound like 's ... especially with me sayin' "y'all" as frequently as I do! So I have to annunciate, slow down the rate at which I start spittin' words outta my mouth, and soften my voice down to almost a whisper to get it to sound fairly decent. Just takes practice.:)
So talking like Jeff Spicoli (Fast Times at Ridgemeont High) through the voice changer isn't gonna make you sound like Boba fett then huh? :lol: I'd imagine that after spending a day practicing trying to sound like a clone trooper and/or Jango, you could probably sound relatively convincing-wouldn't you think?

Thanks people. Sounds like the way to go to me. Have been saying lines like "As you wish" Wingreen-style every night in work for weeks now and I think I can sound pretty convincing when I want to. Tomorrow I apply for my equity card...lol
Hey JB, I got the "Trooper Voice Amp". Not the deluxe, and you have to tie that in with the RS amp or equivalent to hear anything at a decent level.

What mic and speaker did you use in yours?
I plan on using one of my Sony lapel microphones that's small enough to fit anywhere inside the helmet and I won't have to where either a full size headset microphone, nor one you wear on one ear. I think I can actually mount it in a 9 volt battery holder right in front of my mouth, although not too close that it picks up my breathing etc-don't wanna sound like Vader! :p Anyone have trouble hearing with the helmet on? I'd imagine you would, so I was wondering if any of you have placed microphones inconspicuously somewhere on the exterior of your bucket or armor so you can hear clearly?

id reccomend fans for those hot days. i do alot of "no buckets off" charity events and belive me fans help. hearing? dont overline your bucket and it makes its own accoustics. in my TC helm i have pipe insulation tha black round stuff. works great and fans fit in between the gaps. its a thick rubies helm and i hear great outta that.
I wondered about the whole hearing part as I've actually never worn mine other than to try and test fit it here and there. I was n't sure if folks had gone the exterior microphone thing or not. Shouldn't be too hard if you wanted to though-maybe for the folks that are about half deaf from loud music and gunfire, like me...:lol:

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