Helmet Straw


Active Hunter
Has anyone attempted to install a working (or not) helmet straw like the one Boba Fett uses in Tale of the Bounty Hunter when he is in his quarters with Leia?

When I get a usable head can I'm thinking about trying something, possibly motorized. Haven't come up with any plans that would make it usable, but the astronauts have a "Capri-Sun" type pack in their helmets (admittedly their helmets are quite larger then Fett's).
I know what you are talking about. I am currently reading the tales. Although I dont remember it from bobas fett's story i do remember reading it in dengar's story. That would be a cool thing to add that way you dont have to take off your suit at all.
This is something I'm toying with trying (once the basics are sorted). I have the MLC JP, which is hollow with an easy access panel, and Mardon talked about mounting a camel pack filled with water/juice/beer and running a straw from there up into the bucket for those long hot troops.

Cracking idea!


secol_FETT wrote:

:confused hm what
sorry i don't know ToBH but if you have a pic ;)

I don't have a pic and I can't find the book (don't ever get married and or divorced... your ex will end up with your star wars books and you'll end up with her crappy romance books).

Basically what happens is this:
(Timeline- After Leia's capture in Jabba's Palace the night before Han, Chewie and Luke are to be executed)
Boba Fett is in his chambers and Jabba has Leia brought there to "entertain" him as he wishes. Fett (iirc) allows Leia to sit on the bed and Fett stands, they have some what meaningful conversation. Fett is brought drinks by a serving girl (or they were already in the room) and offers one to Leia and he himself takes one. Now Leia is thinking she is getting ready to see the face of this cold-hearted killer (or Well Paid Killer, if you'd rather)who took her love from her. But instead of taking his T-Visored Can off, a metal tube decends from the bottom (between the red mandibles) and he drinks through the "straw" and carries on the conversation.

I'll look through the rest of my boxes this week end... I really need to finish unpacking anyways and if I can't find the book I'll pick up another copy and post the snippet from there. Hope this makes what i'm talking about more understandable.

Travis Fett

lordfett wrote:

But instead of taking his T-Visored Can off, a metal tube decends from the bottom (between the red mandibles) and he drinks through the "straw" and carries on the conversation.

Now that would be cool!

I have a "camel" pack or whatever it is called. It holds 2 liters of water and I hold it under my JP harness then run the straw up under the vest and neckseal to the helmet so I can drink water without removing my helmet. It works really good I recommend it to everyone.
This isn't using a camel back, its having a straw inside the helmet allowing you to drink from a cup you are holding in your hand without having to remove the helmet.

Yes the camel back idea is nice, this is something i'd like to try that was in one of the books and is shown as a 'feature' of BF's armor.
I always pack a few 'bendi-straws' when I go out on Halloween. That way, I just put a straw into the drink/beer/whatever, and no one ever sees my face.

I think the gizmo that would actually operate a 'liquid-to-face' tranfer would be too cumbersome to go into the helmet. Talk about claustrophobic! :)
I'm pretty sure that something very similar happened in one of the older comic books. Something happened, where they tried to see if he'd take the mask off. I could swear that a straw popped out.
You know, it really doesn't matter WHAT kind of straw you use. ;)
Straws are nice, and you wouldn't need to take off your helmet to have a drink, BUT, a few hours later you would need to take off some other armor to pee .... Unless you make use of another straw, I would hate to see one extend from the cod piece into a urinal, that would just be tooooooo freaky :puke

fettcicle wrote:

BUT, a few hours later you would need to take off some other armor to pee .... Unless you make use of another straw, I would hate to see one extend from the cod piece into a urinal, that would just be tooooooo freaky :puke

I've been trying to devise a way around this as well. I'm working on a design right now to add a velcro flap under my left shoulder bell so i can show off my mandalorian death's head tattoo. thinking an old west 'long johns' style flap of some sort in the nether regions for when nature calls.
Wouldn't use hinges on the cod piece. I got the idea from another thread about a condom cathador sans bag. just head to the nearest bathroom and take the tube out. maybe that is getting a little too into it though.
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