Helmet stand interest?


Active Hunter

I am in the process of building myself a disply stand for my helmet and was wondering if anyone would be interested in one for themself?? They are around 19 inches tall with a 9 1/2 in base. the stand is amde out of metal and nickel plated. The top where the helmet rests on is an oval piece of wood with some felt on it to protect your investment. I will have some pictures up in a day or two with some helmets on it to give you some ideas! These are heavy so even the biggest resin buckets out there will not tip over! The downside is the shipping weight! I think I will be asking around $20-$25 for these which pretty much only covers the cost of materials.

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Well guys I have my first two completed and took some pics tonight but my disk drive is still toast so I need to get either my buddy or mother-in-law to e-mail them to me. I should have them up tomorrow night! I have my Predator mask hanging on one and once it gets painted and some dreds it will be awesome!

Just a little update guys a buddy of mine is bringing over his laptop tonight and we are going to get these pictures up! Like I said before I currently have 2 ready to go and can have just about as many as I can handle ready to go in 10 days. I would need prepaid orders to cover the cost of supplies because they are about 50 miles away! It looks like I can ship 1 or 2 flat rate through USPS for $8.10. Tack on .50 and Paypal fees and cost would be an extra $10. I have decieded to sell these for $25 ea because of some extra costs of addhesives. I found that on the first one the felt peeled off I am now using a stronger addhesive but of course it costs twice as much! So here is a quick breakdown.....]

1 stand $25 + s&h $10 = $35

2 stands....$25ea + s&h $10 = $60

If you would like more than two stands PM me about a shipping quote. Prices are for domestic shipping. I have no idea what it would cost to send these babies across the pond. They weigh in close to 12 pounds each!

OK guys it seems that diskettes seem to be severely out dated. My buddies laptop doesnt even have a disk drive nor does his desktop at home so I am back to the original plan of getting my wifes mom to do it. Should be up late tonight or tomorrow early! So sorry for the delays guys!





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