helmet probs.......

ok i am planning on buying a helmet and i was under the impression that the whole black in the don post helmets were clear but from what i saw all that was clear was the top black in the viser IS THIS NNORMAL???

sandlercd_22 wrote:

ok i am planning on buying a helmet and i was under the impression that the whole black in the don post helmets were clear but from what i saw all that was clear was the top black in the viser IS THIS NNORMAL???

Not to be rude, but please turn off you caps, it gets very annoying in your posts and the there is no need to shout.

That is normal... You'll have to cut out and replace the visor with a full clear one, there are many post here on where to get and how to.replace it.

Yes, DP helmets only have half a visor only DP Deluxed have a full visor. You would have to cut the visor area with a dremel and replace with a costum visor lens. Be sure you know how to do this before you start cutting. :)
I used the search engine cause I've cut my T Visor and am trying to figure out how to cut and place the welders mask but so far none of the posts in the search results tell me what I need to know.

ok today i just got my bucket tht i sent away for now i wasnt expecting like a perfect helmet but i was expecting all parts attached but when i unwrapped it i noticed that the sights on the side of the helmet were gone!it had broken off but i didnt panic because i thought i could just send away for a new sights but i didnt know if it were possible so i ask you good poeple.....is it possible to get a new sights for my helmet because its my first one and i want it to look GOOD!......THANK YOU........
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oh yeah i forgot to tell you wich part broke off..... its just the part that folds up and down not the whole thing i just need the accuall folding part......
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sandlercd_22 wrote:

its just the part that folds up and down not the whole thing i just need the accuall folding part......

You're talking about the rangefinder and stalk. The rangefinder is the black, boxy thing at the top, and the stalk is the thin grey piece its attached to. If you bought a DP helmet, its fairly common for them to break, especially in transit.

If I were you, I would either search through the Helmet forum for info on "replacement RF for DP", or inquire in the Cargo Hold about replacement rangefinders for DP helmets and if anyone has them for sale. Remember, you need both the rangefinder and the RF stalk.

Good luck.
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i was wondering if the black visor on the front of a bucket is supposed to be cut off or can i just gloos all of the black because ive seen a bunch of pics of boba and it looks like to me that it isnt there so i was just concerned before i start hacking up my DP.........oh any info would help.....oh yeah if ur gonna say"well look in a thread"..dont post because i already tried that and i get tired of hearing it...oh eah sorry for being rude......well i guess thats the bounty hunter way....
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I have the same bucket, I cut out the black part and installed a visor i got from home depot. It was a clear visor that i tinted with cheap automotive tint. Used a Dremel to cut out ALL of the black plastic piece and black piece underneath from the helmet and used scissors to cut out the tinted visor. I then used some hot glue to hold the visor in place inside the helmet, and then backed it up with Pro Bond a strong as nails glue from Home Depot
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