Helmet Fan placement....


Active Hunter
hey, i am working on my Boba Fett ROTJ costume, and i am wanting to put at least 1 CPU fan in my helmet. well, as most of you know, boba's helmet isn't that big. so...i was wondering if anyone has placed a CPU fan on there T-Visor...the wind blowing up. i have held it in place and put my helmet on, and off. this also cuts down on the helmet visor fogging up. but, the thing is....can you see a dark like where the fan is glued? the visor is pretty blacked out, so, you won't see much, but, i just thought you might see it. but, anyway, has anyone tried this, and if so, how did it work out?
I put a piece of black paper over where the fan went on the visor only I didnt use a fan I used this.


Its incredibly thin and doesnt interfere at all with my nose. All I did was velcro it on the sides where it touched the sides of the visor, and pointed the fan to the inside of the visor it never fogs.

I got two micro fans for each side of the tempil.


I know there kinda high but there only 20mm deep that is really tiny like 1/2 and inch. There velcroed in place to, there linked to battery pack with a switch attached to the front of it bougght from radioshack. I dont know how its wired, someone else did that part.

hey guys...well...i did it. i glued in the fan. you really can't see it from the out side. the good sides of it is i get a ton of air on just 1 battery, rather than 2. all the air is being sucked in from under the helmet. most people who have the fans place them where they don't get a lot of air. but, i think it looks, good. you guys should try it...that is...if you can fit it in the space.
hey guys...well...i did it. i glued in the fan. you really can't see it from the out side. the good sides of it is i get a ton of air on just 1 battery, rather than 2. all the air is being sucked in from under the helmet. most people who have the fans place them where they don't get a lot of air. but, i think it looks, good. you guys should try it...that is...if you can fit it in the space.

Does that mean that placing a comp fan over the keyhole slots in the back is a bad idea cause I won't get alot of air? My fan is like 3x3in' so it won't really fit anywhere near my face unless I let it press on my mouth. Yeah, I could have a talking thru a fan voice-thing going on, lol.
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