Helmet comparison


Active Hunter
I know that this has probably been done numerous times on this website...so please be patient with me. But does any one have a picture of the Marrow Sun, Mystery, and BM helmets side-by-side? Like a comparison photo with those three helmets all sitting together? I've seen BM with Mystery, but never MS with either of these. I'd prefer a photo of unpainted helmets, but I'll take what ever. I couldn't decide if this should go in the Misc. pile or the helmet pile. I decided to put it in helmet because it is directly involved with helmets. So please post them if you have them...thanks. :)
here you go

first pic left to right: Marrow sun painted by me, Marrow sun painted by MS, and then a bobamaker I am working on right now

2nd pic left ot right: Marrow sun painted by MS, bobamaker

3rd pic: same as first

4th pic: same as second




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They must surely take up too much room in your house so as a gesture of good will i will take a couple of your hands ;)

seriously though very very nice
You have too many helmets!!! I'll give you $500 Bucks for that crappy middle helmet.

LOL...my pride and joy...the middle helmet!!!!

a day at the movies watching Revenge of the Sith...$8.50

buying a MS helmet ( not painted) $ 200

getting a MS helmet painted by MS himself...PRICELESS!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! You are the first person to actually do this!! The first person to answer my many annoying calls!! I have seen it all now! Those are MS1's right? BTW, they look GREAT! You are doing a GREAT job with your helmets. NICE WORK!
Yeah, BM does have some obvious differences like the ear piece, "intentional" brow droop, and the mandibles apprear to be slightly different.
im still on the fence with which one to get :-| MS or BM? they both look great, but i want my boba project to be perfect

cookiemongoloid said:
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! You are the first person to actually do this!! The first person to answer my many annoying calls!! I have seen it all now! Those are MS1's right? BTW, they look GREAT! You are doing a GREAT job with your helmets. NICE WORK!

Marrow Sun PMed me that the MS2 was only a single run of a dozen or so helms... Most likely they are MS1's.
CombatBaby said:
should have thrown a rubies in there, everyone could have used a good laugh

Well we all know Rubbies is the best! Especially paired up with a Starfortress jump suit. NOT!
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