Helmet Color help


Active Hunter
hey guys, i just needed to know a quick question. i have seen many of your helmets, and i would really like to redo mine to match the correct color scemes. anyway, i was looking at some Olive Green i think its something like Panzer Olive Green, and its for an airbrush. i don't have an airbrush, and was wondering if i could brush it on. is there any other ways to do this, or do i need a air brush set.
Well you can brush it on and wetsand it untill its smooth, it would take forever though, and a good layer of paint. I dont recommend that, but doesnt duplicolor auto enamel have panzer green spray paint? check out autozone or a parts place, they have all sorts of off beat paint colors.
You don't need to buy an expensive airbrush to do your helmet. I did jeezy's helmet with one of them aerosol airbrushes that they sell at the testors website. :) They work pretty well!
I agree with Baddblood. You don't need to get an expensive airbrush. It would be great to have a really nice professional one, but honestly, if all you are going to do with it is paint your bucket and may be a few other amour pieces etc, you don't need the $200 + rigs. The cheapy testors ones will get the job done just fine. You can find the aerosol ones Baddblood is talking about at Walmart, and you can also get the internal mix ones (which also use aerosol cans at at Walmart too. I like the internal mix ones myself-they run about $30. Also, alot of guys really are afraid to start using airbrushes (I know I was at first) but once you play around with it for a few hours, you'll get the hang of it;) Its not nearly as difficult as you might think, and its alot of fun to use:)
thanks for your help. i might go ahead and just buy a nice decent air brush. i have been working on my costume, but, i usually have the spraypaint, and don't ever use an airburh. i just guess i'd better get on sooner or late.
On the subject of colours :)I found a nice hunter green that looks sort of right for a Return of the Jedi helmet, probably not all over but maybe a under colour ?

I used a spraypaint called 'Moss Garden' for my bucket. It's a Walmart brand spraypaint that looks pretty close. If you don't want to go the airbrush route, that is.

well okay...so, if i get the walmart brand, do i get some box car red? and what about the black. i can never find any flat black. where can i buy that?

AFettFullofDollars wrote:

I used a spraypaint called 'Moss Garden' for my bucket. It's a Walmart brand spraypaint that looks pretty close. If you don't want to go the airbrush route, that is.


Hey! I recognise that Bucket!! :D
also...how did you guys do all the realistic battle scars? what type of paints did you guys use...did you use an airbrush, or hand brush....how did you guys acheive the thin lines that look like scratches...any help will be usefull.
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