Helmet Card Mock Up Pics?


Well-Known Hunter
I am trying to help a friend get a decent Jango helmet done for his son. I remembered seeing THIS thread about a cardboard mock up as a geometric frame, but it seems that all the pictures are gone.

Does anyone have them?

I actually just built one of these with some extra foam board. I used WOF's templates. I'm scratchbuilding a wearable helmet now, but the foam board one I'll probably try to make a mold of the same way MLC did it.

Good luck with the helmet!
:thumbsup: Thanks for the link, I think some of those were the ones I was looking for.

Do you have a link for WOF's templates?

And does anyone know if you would use a plaster and release agent right on that cardboard for molding?

Thanks again.
I actually just built one of these with some extra foam board. I used WOF's templates. I'm scratchbuilding a wearable helmet now, but the foam board one I'll probably try to make a mold of the same way MLC did it.

Good luck with the helmet!

Is there a link to that thread? I searched, but didnt find it.
Here's WOF's templates:


Here's MLC's gallery which has the pictures from TK560's site plus a bunch more on molding it:


From the pictures it looks like the helmet was molded straight from the cardboard helmet.


Here's the gallery with the molding process pictures:

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