Helmet (& armor) history


Active Hunter
I am worndering about the history of Boba Fett's helmet and armor. My guess is that it is suppose to be a repaint of Jango Fett, but we don't see any of the blue in the helmet chips yet there are layers to the paint seen in the weathering.

Has anyone tried to do a paint job of the last couple of helmet paint jobs he had before his current one? There is the definate Grey and yellow under layers, what would it have looked like.

I already posted part of this in another thread but here goes, he didn't keep Jangos armor, only the helmet, he buried Jango with the rest of the armor. He had gotten the armor from elsewhere, I believe over the years he stole it from various place. In stories beyond ROTJ, he had actually stolen a set from a museum, while hunting Han there.
I already posted part of this in another thread but here goes, he didn't keep Jangos armor, only the helmet, he buried Jango with the rest of the armor.

Im no expert but I thought there was a diffrence between the Boba and Jango helmets besides the paint.
I think the reason the armor looks yellow under the green, isnt because the armor was yellow at one time, but because the green is oxodized and coming off making the paint around the green seem yellow, but in reality just old discolored green.

Just my 2 cent.
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