

New Hunter
Hey, all. I'm new to the dented helmet and have just purchased a fiberglass Jango helmet. I'm looking to modify it since it has things like a static range finder and no lining inside. I also stumbled on to this place and thought it would be a good idea to get some tips and pointers on working with it.

It hasn't arrived yet but it looks in good condition from pics I have. Once I'm done with it I may sell it or keep it as a cool trophy :P.

But either way I'm a ginormous Mandalorian fan. I've known a few hardcore fans too, (In the Marines we had some people who painted the skull symbol on an abrams. Looked awesome till an officer had it removed, booooo!)

But yeah, once I examine things like the rangefinder and the interior, I'll have some questions for anyone who can help me out. Making the rangefinder non-static won't be too hard but I've never worked with fiberglass before so...better safe than sorry, I suppose.
Howdy dude and welcome to TDH!:cheers I'd say your first step is to see why the rangefinder is static. Is it glued in? Screwed in? Once ya find this out, ya can remove it and modify it so it can swing freely. One word of caution when ya do this: make sure that when it swings freely, there is still some friction so it doesn't fall down when ya want it up.
The seller said it was just screwed in place, and I can simple remove the screw. I can easily rig up a set up with a couple of modified washers with added 'stoppers' to keep it from moving too far back or forward. As for friction...Something that would allow it to 'lock' in to place would be good. I'll think of something...And as easy as that I already have a buyer :P.

I'll let this one go once I'm done with the rangefinder project but I'm lookin to buy one of bobamakers helmets for a custom bucket. It'll take me a bit to save up money for it since I have some other things to do.

Any tips on one of his deluxe helmet kits? I used to paint with sprays and stuff so that parts no problem. But as far as construction is I'd like to know more about it.
I'd say that the actual construction is pretty much self-explanitory once ou have the helmet preped and ready to be finished off. Ive never worked with a BM bucket, but I imagine that its not much different to work with. My jango bucket is made of fiberglass, but I believe BM's are resin. I imagine the hardest part would be the painting and the details if your making a boba or Jango. If your considering making a custom, you would have to remember that BM's helmets have the signature dent in it, and we know that not every custom mando has the same exact dent lol, but just keep that in mind once you start planning it. I can go on forever about what you'd need, but im at school now, you can PM me if you have anymore questions.

True. The BM buckets are fiberglass, but they do have the signature dent in it. I'd like to find a Jango helmet though to work on. BobaMakers sight shows a Jango one that is currently listed as a work in progress. I'm guessing soon he'll have them for sale if all turns out well.
True. The BM buckets are fiberglass, but they do have the signature dent in it. I'd like to find a Jango helmet though to work on. BobaMakers sight shows a Jango one that is currently listed as a work in progress. I'm guessing soon he'll have them for sale if all turns out well.

You seek BKBT....
Yeah... The BM also has the wavy brow... Thats a Boba detail... And the ear is different. Might sound kind of silly to say, but imo, the BKBT is the BM of Jango buckets. ;)
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