Hasbro Clone Helmet Conversion

Thanks for showing how you extended the neck. That's the one thing that's frustrated me from trying to take on this same project.
Umm its hard to say how many hours exactly I've spent on it, I keep picking it up one day and putting it down another, its not the easiest of projects and you definitely need a certain degree of patience :lol: Yeah the neck extension was conjured up over a few days, I wanted it to be long enough so it can eventually be trimmed back if I ever get it finished and cast (y)
Wow. It is incredible to see this helmet transform from a laughable kid's toy into a serious clone helmet! Great work!
Ok slow out of the gates I know. But this has made me want to start this project. Am I a masochist or what? No really it looks like fun. Already ordered the helmet.

Come on posty where are you? :)
Just a small question about the Hasbro helmet. What kind of plastic is it made of? I'm hoping it's styrene or ABS. Anybody have any info? I'm going to modify mine with styrene sheet, so I was wondering what kind of glue to use. I'll probably just do a quick one for now. Thanks!
Holy Flark! That's amazing!

I was wondering, how did you get the electronics out of the little hole in the beginnig? Did you just cut the wire and not care about it?
Just a small question about the Hasbro helmet. What kind of plastic is it made of? I'm hoping it's styrene or ABS. Anybody have any info? I'm going to modify mine with styrene sheet, so I was wondering what kind of glue to use. I'll probably just do a quick one for now. Thanks!

I'd guess HDPE.... paint doesn't stick to it well, nor does Bondo. It doesn't sand well... it tends to chew up. Basically it's a very soft, almost oily material.
Great job! So, I'm still wondering what kind of glue will stick to this helmet. I tried super glue on mine, and my sheet of styrene is coming off already. I'm backing it up with epoxy putty, and that's not sticking either! Any suggestions? Thanks!
For mine, I used plastic epoxy to glue things together, held in place while it cured overnight. I reinforced the seams with E-6000, and used plumbing epoxy (which sets up like concrete) to back off the vents and reinforce some of the other joins. Important thing is to sand down that shine. I did a lot of work with 220-grit sandpaper to give the adhesives, putties, and paint something to bite into.

[ETA: My WIP thread can be found at CTdotN, cross-posted to Mando Mercs -- and formerly C-E.]

Mate just to say Well done,

I have just got my helmet and am just about to mod mine, But I am going to keep the chin as i'm looking for the cartoon trooper look
Amazing!, Great work. I too have the Hasbro Clone...and wanted to know if you have templates to fix the eyes?? or a pattern to copy?? to begin remodeling ;). Wait for more progress :D.

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