Harness for Jet Pack


Active Hunter
Harness for Jetpack

I'm sorry if this has been brought up before, but I am looking for a decent item/items to use for a jet pack (ESB). I thought about using an old back pack and taking it apart, however, since I have no sewing skills, I am now left in a quandry.

Would any one happen to have an older harness they are not using or can give me some instructions as to how to go about making said harness for relatively cheap?

I am sorry that I didn't search the boards completely. This part of the project has left me a bit frazzled.

Thank you in advance for your help and advice.

If you're lookin' to buy one, check out BM's. The reason I bring it up is because having a :jet pack on with his harness is nowhere near as discomforting as it was when I made my own harness system.
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I'm modifying the frame out of one of those papoose(sp?) baby carrier things for the JP itself and using a slightly modified version of tk409's harness, using some of the parts from the baby carrier.
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Army web belt.

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