Groin strap ?


Active Hunter
I've seen alot of pics on this and did a search but came up with no answer. I was wondering what you guys used for it, Elastic, nylon strap ? Right now I have elastic on mine and it does not hold the jumpsuit up good enough. You can see it from the front :facepalm. If this should be in the armor section ,sorry, but i'm asking about the strap only. Any help would be awesome.

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Cotton elastic half inch wide strap from Wal-Mart. Sounds like your cod is up to high if you can see the strap from the front.
The technical term is crotch strap..... or the infamous Boba Thong..... I would suggest elastic, so it 'gives' a little wink wink......
I had it attached to my old cod, going up to the back where it was attached to the same belt that held up my side pouches, wich was located under the ammo-belt.

this time I think I'll just sew it onto my jumpsuit.
Thanks guys, I now think my problem is my jumpsuit, its long in the crotch area. When I put my set-up on with a pair of pants it looks good. Do you fellows have a bunching up thing going on anywhere in the waist ? I think I need to take it to a seemstress. ??? :confused ???
I'm now faced with the same problem... crotch is way to long... well my mom said I shouldn't panic, she has a few tricks up her sleeve... I'll post the solution here...
I was wondering if you could avoid the whole strap issue and just attach a snap button on the bottom tip of the cod and then attach the other side of the snap button to the jumpsuit to hold it on. I believe this is what i will try.

there is no rule to whatever Fett part Frank, so if that's your vision... realize it :D , and tell us folks about it, so we can learn something new.

I do fear that when walking and all... the snap might go lose...
R Boba , I shortened up my jumpsuit by two inches around the chest (under the vest) and it worked great. I also went with a piece of nylon instead of elastic for the strap. Nice and "tight" :o
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great solution!!! never thought of that!!!

will have some diffculties with the zipper then though...
don worry I just got something in my mind...

I'll just take it in on the back and the sides, that should work to..
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