Got my MLC helmet to day. (progress pic added)


Well-Known Hunter
I got my MLC helmet today , I love it. I started my work. I just finished painting the aluminum paint on and when it is completly dry I will draw the scratches on with a pencil and use masking liquid to mask it of.

Cheers :cheers Micke


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mobius wrote:

...masking liquid to mask it of...

masking liquid :eek:
damn i need to update my memory
can you put a link of that or the brand
or the generic name :D

BTW im waiting pics of your job :)
have a good paint job
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secol_FETT wrote:

masking liquid :eek:
damn i need to update my memory
can you put a link of that or the brand
or the generic name :D

Maskin liquid is a form of latex that you can paint on and it turns into latex that you can peel of after the paint dries.

I had problem with it as it would not stick to the surface right away, I had to have the level I was working on level orelse it would run down. But when it dries it stays in place.

I took some pictures of the procsess last night, I will post them when I will come home from work today.

You probably knew that one;)

I bought mine at a painters store here in Reykjvik.

It is usaualy called liquid masking ore something of that sort. I don´t recall what brand I use, will check when I get back home.
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mobius wrote:

secol_FETT wrote:

masking liquid :eek:
damn i need to update my memory
can you put a link of that or the brand
or the generic name :D

Maskin liquid is a form of latex that you can paint on and it turns into latex that you can peel of after the paint dries.

I had problem with it as it would not stick to the surface right away, I had to have the level I was working on level orelse it would run down. But when it dries it stays in place.

I took some pictures of the procsess last night, I will post them when I will come home from work today.

You probably knew that one;)

I bought mine at a painters store here in Reykjvik.

It is usaualy called liquid masking ore something of that sort. I don´t recall what brand I use, will check when I get back home.

Rubber cement works in place of liquid mask and isn't as runny either. But its thicker so you can get less detail with it then you can with the liquid mask.
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Here is the progress pic so far.

Here I have painted the helmet in aluminum and you can see the latex (yellowish)

Here I painted the helmet in dark green, I added a little bit more black. This colour will show with the silver scratches and the cheeks. You can see the latex it is lighter than the dark green colour.

Here you can see the dent after I removed the latex. Here something happend that I did not intend:eek:, note the little scratches in the silverpaint, this happend after I added the dark green paint. Must have something to do with the thinner in the spraybottle. What to you think should I leave as is or try to fix it

Next I will add the panzer green colour and the red on the mandables.
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I had a similar problem w/ my bucket after masking w/ liquid mask & then painting. I was in such a rush that I did not allow for the mask to completely cure & after I sprayed my green on, it knda ate little lines through the mask. Also, I had to leave my silver cure for at least a couple of days, otherwise some of the mask pulled off bits of silver paint right down to the primer. I think the dent looks pretty cool on yours though! I guess I'd leave it, but thats just me :)
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Paint job ended in a disaster:angry , it seems that the dark green did not bond well enough with the silver paint. Sanded it up and also wet sanded. It is as smooth as a baby´s behind now.:)

Got to get a primer and prime it tomorrow and start all over again. :lol:

Will again post progress pics.

Here´s the first in the line.

Hey that´s life, everything that happens has a purpose hopefully to the better.


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That sucks man :( Sorry to hear that.

Look on the bright side - you will probably redo it at least 3 times. :D First repaint is under your belt ;)

Good luck - too bad it did not bond, it was starting to look great!

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:facepalm paint problems always happens
but apply the first layer, then wait 24hours two apply the second and the same for the rest, i know you guys are in winter but try to put the helmet close to some hot or warm ;) that's could be good for the paint cure fast and good :)

and with your first paint job :eek: looks awesome

keep the good work :)

and pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeee
put a pic to that liquid mask :D

thanks for share
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secol_FETT wrote:

:facepalm paint problems always happens
but apply the first layer, then wait 24hours two apply the second and the same for the rest, i know you guys are in winter but try to put the helmet close to some hot or warm ;) that's could be good for the paint cure fast and good :)

and with your first paint job :eek: looks awesome

keep the good work :)

and pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeee
put a pic to that liquid mask :D

thanks for share

The masking fluid is from Winsor & Newton and is called Art Masking Fluid for water colour. 75ml.

Here is the pic of the bottle and the helmet.

I´ve finished priming it again, I put in my bathtub and wet sanded it with 600,800 and 2000 grit paper. It is realy smooth now.
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Well, this is what I managed to do last night.

What do you think, is the mandable to red, I think I will have to darken the cheeks.

Be honest.

And if anyone knows of a internetshop that sells floquil colours international, please tell.

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Good job - the weathering/scratches are looking really good.

The red does seem a bit bright although it could be the flash and I agree that the checks could be darker. (again maybe the flash?).

Hard to tell with pictures sometimes :)

Either way your are making really good progress.

Keep you the good work.

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Ok I´m well on my way to finish the paintjob, few spots left. What do you think. I don´t know. I´m not happy with how the mandables turned out. Maybe I will sand them up and redo them. I don´t recomend that liquid maskin stuff I bought. It is not strong enough, it comes of but there is something about it that I don´t like. It makes lines in the surfave it is suposed to be protecting. I will try to use regular masking tape in stead. I´m gonna go down to the paintshop and see if they have something that can withstand enamel paints.

Here are some pics.

It seem that the tape tore of a part of the red and black colour in the upper mandable on the pic above.

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So far so good I would say. Yes, i agree the mandables are to red. I dont know if theres anything you can do to dull the color. Also, im not sure if its just from the flash, but the silver paint looks really gloss/bright. If theres a way you can dull that down, i think it would help too, otherwise its looking good. -Tim
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I´ll see what I can do about the silver, may be take a grit 2000 paper and try to dull it. I´m gonna redo the mandable and try to tone the red down, but the flash does make it more red.

But I was diapointed about how the liquid masking acted and I think it was one thing that screwed up the mandable.

I´m trying to get the floquil colours to Iceland, but as of now no luck. No one seems to ship here to Iceland or rest of Europe as of this moment.

This paint job has taught me a lot of things that I can beaware when I will repaint it and my armor with rouge studio coulours.
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