Got my first bucket


Well-Known Hunter
Well I finally got my DP96. I like it. Ummm yeah, definantly will need some work to get it looking good. Have to start reading up on painting techniques, cause Im clueless there. Already pull my old Cooper street hockey helmet from the attic to get my padding from. Ive heard mention of a metal hoop to put in there to get the flare. What are people using, coathangers or something?
hmm... you sure it's a DP 96? only buckets I heard of that really need a metal hoop is the 97...

not sure what they use for the hoop though... soz
mrgr8ness said:
Well I finally got my DP96. I like it. Ummm yeah, definantly will need some work to get it looking good. Have to start reading up on painting techniques, cause Im clueless there. Already pull my old Cooper street hockey helmet from the attic to get my padding from. Ive heard mention of a metal hoop to put in there to get the flare. What are people using, coathangers or something?

Helmets a helmet, gotta start somewhere..... As far as the mis-shape goes. Some of that can be fixed w/ heating the helmet up in a hot car, or possable a heat gun (used very carefully). Bend the flare into the desired position and then hold it their and let it cool. Ive seen alot of people fix up some really bad Dp's and make them cool pretty darn cool.
I ran home during lunch cause I knew it was coming. Didnt spend alot of time with it yet. First glance, I noticed that it needed a visior, paint, and I thought the flare was not quite there. Ill spend more time tonight with it. Yeah its definantly a 96.
mrgr8ness said:
Well I finally got my DP96. I like it. Ummm yeah, definantly will need some work to get it looking good. Have to start reading up on painting techniques, cause Im clueless there. Already pull my old Cooper street hockey helmet from the attic to get my padding from. Ive heard mention of a metal hoop to put in there to get the flare. What are people using, coathangers or something?

The hoop is available at craft stores, or even walmart. It's just a big metal ring. I had a brass one. Can't remember the size, but when you find them there's only one sie that looks like it will fit the bottom of the helmet.
I used part of a heavy duty coat hanger and JB welded in place after I got the helmet to the shape I wanted it with a heat gun (be careful not to melt your helmet!) The heat gun is HOT!
Also painting that helmet you need to use a sandable primer as a base coat. Then allow each coat you do to dry for 2-3 days! I know it will take longer but trust me on that! If you rush the paint will do bad things. Anyone disagree please chime in.
Saturniid19 said:
Could you be more specific than "big metal ring"? :lol: What department would it be in at Wal-Mart?

Uh... I believe I said "Craft stores or even Wal Mart..." I thought it would be pretty obvious which department to look in after that statement. :p
After further evaluation, I think the shape is ok. I have a new visor coming, and got some padding in there. So far so good. Now I want to start painting. I think Testors acrylic paints are what people are using. What about the chrome base coat, does that need to be acrylic too? I have chrome paint in a spray paint, but I think its enamel. Will it work? Should be airbrushing the paints on? I know "0" about airbrushing. I have a compressor, so I probably just need a small airbrush. Where is a good place to get one? Thanks
Saturniid19 said:
Sorry, it just seems like such an odd thing to find in a craft store.

Its a needlepoint ring... you know the sort of thing that you'd stretch fabric across to do cross stitching?
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