Good place to find ROTJ Blasters?


I know I know, I've said I'm making my suit a ESB style getup well thats all fine and dandy but I'm still gonna use the ROTJ blaster since I think its far more... impressive... than the ESB one.

Now, with that said, where are a couple of places to order the kit for this SpideyBlaster that you see so many pictured here.

So in otherwords the gentlemen is no longer making them?

Alright, well what kits are out there? Surely there must be some "preferred model" which IS in production? List 'em up people... Please?

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eBay has them on all the time it seems anymore. There is one or two on now at this momment.
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Ok kids, I've ordered and paid for my blaster. Should be shipped some time this week!!!

Now, I've downloaded a ton of the photos of the ROTJ blaster paint schemes and I'll be using those as reference models.

Pics will be posted once I've completed the build and paint.

*OverKill shoots a web out of his wrist and swings off somewhere else on the forums*

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